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May 4th 2015Barton Family Farm

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May 4th 2015
Barton Family Farm

Clint lands the jet in the middle of nowhere, it seems like some kind of field and they all understand why this place is a safehouse; because no one would even know it existed. Even though they all were openly concerned about where they were going, Clint refused to spoil the surprise for anyone and just continued to lead his friends through the empty field and towards some kind of farm house at the end of the path. There didn't seem to be any animals on this farm but there were nearby barns and what looked like a rope swing hanging from a tree, the whole atmosphere of this farm was peaceful and friendly but they didn't trust anyone right now and stayed cautious of where they were going. The Avengers probably looked quite strange walking through the empty field in their outfits from battle, with Natasha slightly injured and the rest of them deflated after what had just happened. Not only had most of the team watched their biggest nightmares come true, thanks to Wanda's powers but the Hulk had also been manipulated and caused chaos in South Africa.

"What is this place?" Thor questioned, keeping his voice down because he didn't trust that there weren't bad people listening, ready to jump out at them.

Tony's eyes furrowed at the plainness of the area and wondered where they actually were because this didn't seem to make sense to him. "A safe house?"

"Let's hope." Clint said under his breath, after hearing their conversation and opened the front door, before helping Natasha into the kitchen and shouting. "Honey, I'm home!"

Steve gave a weary glance to Noelle, who understood his concern and took out a gun from her belt, prepared to shoot at anything that ran towards them. They didn't trust things like this, there was always a catch and even though Clint was their friend, he could have had his mind warped in a different way to lead them straight into the arms of the twins and Ultron. The kitchen was spacious with a large dining table and there were toys scattered around the floor; something which caused Noelle to lower her weapon because it seemed like they may have gotten the wrong idea of this place. A woman stepped out from around the corner, holding stacks of paper and colouring pens; it was safe to say that she was shocked to see the Avengers in her house, just as shocked as they were to find a pregnant woman staring back at them. Clint approached her, kissing her and explaining the situation. "Hi. I brought company; sorry I didn't call ahead."

"This is an agent of some kind." Tony whispered to Thor and Steve, sure that this safehouse was really a place for other agents and they hadn't been lied to for many years.

Clint turned to his friends, who were awkwardly stood in a line and were watching this woman carefully; although it seemed she would do much harm whilst heavily pregnant. "Everyone, this is Laura."

Laura smiled uncomfortably and waved to them, obviously a bit nervous to have the team in her home and wondering exactly what had happened which caused them to come. After a mission, this was not what usually happened. "I know all of your names."

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