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Living in Wakanda was more than they had ever hoped for and it was their own little fantasy where they could pretend that nothing bad had ever happened to them. In their little hut, they were just Noelle and Bucky, they were running their own little goat farm and spending time with their neighbours whenever they had the chance. Every so often, they would hold a gathering with lots of food and music and storytelling, which was Noelle's specialty and she was more than ready to tell the kids stories about the missions that she went on with the Avengers. The rest of the tribe loved their newest members, glad that the couple were pulling their weight on the farm and were also kind people, ready to help whenever they were asked to do anything. T'Challa sent Shuri to check on them every so often, to make sure that they were settled in and no more problems had arisen but things had been going well.

The scientists had tried several different ways to get Hydra's mind control out of Bucky's head and for the most part, it had been working. Of course, this didn't stop him from having nightmares almost every night; luckily, Noelle was always there to comfort him and brought him back to reality before anything was taken out of hand. The day had started off as normal as any other, with Bucky tending to the goats in the field and Noelle was teaching the children how to read some of the storybooks that were in the village. Then there was a disturbance just away from their own hut, and seeing T'Challa, meant that something was wrong. He never came down to the village to check on them, if he was here then that meant that something bad had happened and they weren't thrilled about it.

"The King's Guard and the Dora Milaje have been alerted." Okoye informed her King as they walked closer to the line of huts.

"And the Border Tribe?" T'Challa wondered, preparing for the fight that was coming to them sooner rather than later; he wanted to be ready for anything and for that, he needed as many soldiers as possible.

"Those that are left."

"Send word to the Jabari as well. M'Baku likes a good fight."

"And what of these two?" She questioned, looking out at the field where she could clearly see them watching. Bucky was throwing hay onto a trailer, with goats gathered around him and Noelle was playing some kind of tag game with the kids, distracting them from the royal visit at the edge of the village.

T'Challa watched them carefully, knowing that this was their worst nightmare but he couldn't win this fight without them. "This one may be tired of war but the White Wolf has rested long enough."

"And the girl?"

"She wants the simple life, but Agent Dean is more powerful than she realises."

Bucky was watching them as T'Challa gestured him over and he knew that there was no way he was doing anything with Noelle. She hated to be interrupted when she was with the children but this was serious and there was no way that she was being left out of this conversation. "Elle!" He shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth so that she would hear him better and her head immediately looked in his direction. "You might want to see this!" Carefully, she left the children to continue their game and headed over to where Bucky was; then they both walked towards T'Challa, watching as one of the soldiers put down a box which contained a vibranium arm. Straight away, Bucky knew what this meant. "Where's the fight?"

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