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As the Avengers were prepping for the biggest fight of their lives, Steve and Noelle were given the task of doing a perimeter check to ensure that there were no shortcuts for the aliens to take

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As the Avengers were prepping for the biggest fight of their lives, Steve and Noelle were given the task of doing a perimeter check to ensure that there were no shortcuts for the aliens to take. It was their job to report on anything suspicious or any part of the dome that looked weak, because that was how the aliens were going to try and enter Wakanda. As much as she wanted to stay on track, she loved the fact that Steve was in Wakanda for the first time in a long time and wanted to show him where she had been living for the past two years as she was proud of the home that they had created. Most of the villages were empty as the place was being evacuated but as they got closer to her home, she recognised some of the kids that she had gotten attached to and they spotted her too. She hadn't had a specific job in Wakanda but had grown to love working with the kids, she would read to them and teach them how to defend themselves when no one was watching. They loved her because she told them the blunt truth without worrying about their age or what was acceptable to tell a child. All in all, they loved her and they loved pranking Bucky with her help.

"Miss Ellie!" The kids screamed across the grassy plain and ran towards her.

Steve raised an eyebrow and looked over to her. "Ellie?"

"They nicknamed, my nickname." She explained, smiling as they got closer to her and saw the confusion on Steve's face, so she defended herself. "What? They're kids, what was I supposed to do?"

"It's nice, it's different."

"Different is good." Noelle justified as the kids reached them and hugged around her legs because they weren't tall enough to reach her full height. Steve noticed that they were carrying sticks and was slightly concerned about their safety, something that Noelle immediately addressed when she pulled away from them. "N'Yami, what did I tell you about sticks? You can't just sharpen them with any knife, you have to use the best ones otherwise they'll blunt really easily." She scolded, taking out a good knife from her boot and handing it to the child, showing them how to sharpen their sticks.

Steve narrowed his eyes at her and shook his head. "That was not what I was expecting you to say."

"What else should I say?" She asked, standing to her full height and watching as the kids took it in turns to use the knife to sharpen their sticks. "Her stick will blunt."

"She's a child. She shouldn't have sharp sticks or knives."

"Gosh, you are so boring. I forgot how boring you were."

Even though he was worried about the safety of the kids, he chuckled and was glad that his best friend seemed to be happy again. Something that he hadn't seen in a long time. "Wakanda really has brought back the old Noelle, huh?"

"It wasn't Wakanda that brought me back." She replied, thinking about how happy she had been recently and it was all thanks to having Bucky back in her life. It wasn't the location, although Wakanda was beautiful and the people were amazing; it was her soulmate that made her fell whole again. Despite Steve not being a permanent member of the location, she couldn't help but feel that everything would be perfect if he was also a full-time resident. That way, the entire team would be back together and everything would be perfect, just like it was before any war ruined it for them.

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