Start from the beginning

Izuku surmises that they still do clean and tidy up their workspace every once in a while though.

As Izuku was walking and looking around at the various projects there was in the studio, he came across a large and shiny curved, almost tubular piece of metal.

It looked like it has never met any type of battle or safety testing yet with how polished it was. It almost looked like a mirror.

Izuku just stood there as he looked at his reflection.

He has curly hair like their dad, but his hair color and eyes are green like their mom's. He also got the same face shape and freckles as her.

Of course, Izuku only knew what she looked like through photos, and stories and descriptions from Tenko and their dad, but he guesses that he does kinda look like her.

Izuku looked a little while longer at his reflection.

He then looked at the reflection of the other person in the room whose back was turned against him and whose attention was undivided on the item she was working on. It didn't seem like she would be done with all the items she's working on anytime soon, so Izuku turned his attention back to his own reflection.

Izuku smiled, but this smile was nothing like he'd usually don. It lacked warmth and brightness. It was lacking in kindness, instead, it was full of malice and hostility. His eyes lacked any sort of shine in them. They felt cold and emotionless, like the frigid unfeelingness of a barren night.

Izuku's smile then gradually turned into a grin. A grin that seemed to ridicule every sort of effort a person could do to be good.

Truth be told, had Izuku seen himself with this look on his face a month prior, it would've terrified him. He wouldn't have believed that the person before him was really him. It's that much unlike him.

But Izuku had to quickly get rid of the menacing look on his face when he saw Mei on the metal surface suddenly turn around to face him and exclaim, "Yup! That's the last one!"

Izuku turned his back towards the huge piece of metal and began walking towards Mei who had placed the items Izuku had requested on the table that was between them.

"Here are your exploding electromagnetic bombs! Set according to your specifications!" Mei enthusiastically said.

"Just like you asked, these babies are small mid grade e-bombs with traditional bombs built in them. Each baby can be set to a timer, but they can also be detonated remotely using this detonator here." Mei said as she took out a small device that fit just inside her hand. On it were multiple buttons, which assumably were assigned to each of the bombs, and on top of the device, there was also a visually larger button.

"And as requested, there's also a button to detonate every bomb at once." Mei added.

"I know that you requested for the interval of the electromagnetic pulse and the gunpowder explosion to be limited to at least half a second, but I couldn't help myself and made the interval a quarter of a second instead." Mei proudly said.

Izuku perked up as he heard that and he praised Mei, "Woah! Thank you, Hatsume-san! That's really amazing! It's really appreciated."

"No prob, guy I forgot the name of!" Mei told Izuku, "When I heard that you were requesting e-bombs with gunpowder based bombs built along with it, I thought it was really interesting, especially when your Quirk is already pretty handy for various combat ranges. You even asked for specific specs! I got really curious."

"Would you mind telling me why you thought of getting these babies?" Mei asked, genuinely fascinated by the greenet.

Izuku just chuckled at the support course student in front of him, then he told her, "It's a secret."

"Aww, come on! Tell me. It'll just be a thing between a hero and their support gear technician. It won't go out of this room, I swear on my babies." Mei tried to push further.

Izuku just chuckled nervously at Mei as she pushed for more information, but he kept his stance, "I really don't want to tell."

Mei pouted as she realized that she wouldn't be able to get any info out of the greenet, so she gave up, "Okay, I won't push any further. Just make sure to make good use of these babies, alright?!"

Izuku smiled brightly and he nodded, "Yes! Thank you again, Hatsume-san."


NOTES: "If I tell you, then I will have to silence you, won't I?"
⬆️ the original alternate end to this chapter, but I decided to change it to something more tame like how I did with Izuku's scene with Monoma.

I'm like the voice in the MC's head, the evil version of them telling them to go berserk. :p I really want to go full on V!Izuku here already but I always have to remind myself to pull it back a notch for a sec.

THE SINS OF THE FATHER (BnHA Dad for One AU) | Second BookWhere stories live. Discover now