I again start pleading "No.....No vihaa......."

"I said STOP. DISHA" he again doesn't let's me finish.

My eyes starts getting watery. My ears gets heightened. I hear him getting down from bed and padding of his toes as he goes away. I tug my hand to get it free. The only thing which I got from tugging was pain.

"Vi-Vihaan" I call. I can't hear anything accept the fluttering of drapes, heavy breathing of mine and thumping of my heart.

After few minutes I heard padding and to make sure it's vihaan I call him but didn't got any answer.

I take a breath of relief when I hear him talk "Let's play a game Disha, if you win then you will get away from your punishment but if you lose you will be getting punished." Knowing that my pleading will not change his mind I nod.

I feel bed dipping as he seats on the bed and I feel a cold paste smearing my lips. "Lick and tell me what is it?" Hearing him my breathing becomes shallow. Knowing that he is watching I dart my tongue out and take a lick having doubt of getting taste of something sour.

I taste sweet immediately knowing what is it. I again dart my tongue out and sweep my tongue in circle to have all the sweet in my mouth. I get surprised hearing a moan from him.

"Choco chip ice-cream" I mumble.

"Do you want more?........" I nod. I love choco chip ice-cream. ".......Then open your mouth" I do as he asked.

After few minutes I feel his lips on me having ice-cream in his mouth. He pushes the scoop of ice cream in my mouth through his lips and I lick his tongue with my tongue. I was eating his mouth. Forgetting about my hands tied and my blocked vision. Only feeling his lips.

Suddenly I don't feel his mouth on me. And I try to lift my head to feel his mouth again but it never came instead I hear a crashing sound and loud breathing of vihaan.

I give in to gravity and my head falls on the mattress to understand what happened suddenly. "What.......what happened vihaan?" I ask as I can still hear his loud breathing.

Not getting any response my fear comes back. "Vihaan" I again call to hear him say something but I don't get anything accept his heavy breathing.

Suddenly I fell hand on my thighs, separating them from each other. I can feel his eyes on my lady part.

"Disha say that you love me" Something is wrong, I can hear it in his voice. Something is definitely wrong.

"Vihaan what happened tell me baby" I plead him.

"Disha say THAT. YOU. LOVE. ME" I whimper at his sound. He is mad.

"I love you vihaan and........will always do"

"Ahhhhhhh" a painful moan erupts from me as I feel been ripped.

"I love you to Disha"

"No no.......no Vi-Vihaannnnn. It hurts" I shout as he doesn't waits for me to get accustomed to him. Just moving harshly inside me. In past also it did hurt as he's that thing is big but today it's hurting more.

"Shh........" I try to control my whimpers "......Now tell me why is that fucker rishabh's photo frame in your room?" I get shocked.

That photo frame is rishabh's doing. He would always keep his photo in my room saying that I would not forget him if I see his photo everyday. And I had forget to remove it.

"Damn it Disha....." he flips so that my ass is in the air. He slaps my ass hard "......answer me"

I can't take this. "I am sorry vihaan....AHH.... I......I don't know fro...ahh...from where it came"

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