Bonus Chapter-Noah's POV

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Her alarm continues to sound from her room. I know that right now she's probably rolling in her bed annoyed at the sound. 

School starts today and she's spent the whole summer going to bed at random times because she gets so invested in shows she's watching. 

Now that she has a time she has to get up at, Bailey is not happy. Which is why I am going to sneak in her room. 

I wait until Brady goes down stairs for breakfast before I slip out of his room and into hers. 

When I open the door I immediately go to tackle her. She is going to be so pissed.

She smack my shoulder glaring at me through tired eyes. She's so cute right now. 

"Get off of me bitch." She says and I laugh. The things she says to me. 

I lift myself slightly looking into her eyes, "You don't mean that Bails." I pout playfully. 

She rubs her eyes before looking back at me. Her honey vanilla perfume hits me. I swear she always smells like that. 

My hand slides down to her hip pinching it slightly. She gasps, "What do you want?" She asks placing her hands on my chest and shoving lightly. 

God her touch sends a wave of heat through my body. I want to do so many dirty things to her.

Leaning in I whisper in her ear, "Now Bails do you really want to know?" She bites her lip and I almost release a groan. 

The things this girl does to me. 

I look down at her plump pink lips before looking back up into her eyes. Reaching up I pull her lips from between her teeth. Our eyes locked to each other.

Crap I want to kiss her so bad. I want to memorize every inch of her body. The way she feels under my hands as I run them down her body, the noises she makes when I do so. The feeling of her lips on mine. 

I don't even realize what I'm doing until I feel our lips brush slightly. That snaps me out of my trance and I stand up quickly. 

I can't kiss her Brady would kill me. 

She narrows her eyes at me before trying to stand up, then she falls flat on her face. 

I can't contain the laughter that bubbles in my throat. The gentlemanly thing to do would be to help her up, but I can't stop laughing. 

Next thing I know she's grabbing my leg and I'm losing my balance falling right on top of her with a grunt. 

The moment I hit the ground her bedroom door flies open. 

As quickly as we can Bails and I jump to our feet. 

Brady stands at the doorway looking confused. He knows that I know I shouldn't be in here. Shit he's going to ream my ass for this. 

"Hey Brady." Bailey says awkwardly giving him a small wave. Brady doesn't notice because his eyes are looking downward. Following his gaze I see that Bailey is in nothing but a shirt and a pair of underwear. 

Breath Noah breath. I chant keeping myself calm. 

Looking back up Brady is staring directly at me. Oof and does he look pissed. I swear sometimes you can tell they're related. 

I hear Bailey clear her throat and I look over at her, "Brady you don't understand, I had to trip him he was laughing at me." She says putting on a sweet smile. 

That smile always works on her brother. 

"Why are you in her room?" My eyes snap up to Brady. Shit, double shit. 

Play it cool Noah.

Smirking I look over to Bailey, "Her alarm wouldn't stop blaring so I came to wake her up, your sister is still as clumsy as ever." 

She just rolls her eyes but I can see the small tug on her upper lip. 

Bailey plays along, "Yeah the asshole thinks scaring me out of bed would be a good idea, so I had to teach him a lesson."

Brady eyes us warily, "By pulling him onto the floor?" 

Bailey nods her smile widening, "Well duh, anyways now that you can clearly see I am awake you guys can leave so I can get ready for school."

Brady leaves the room, now it's just me and Bailey. Oh and her Captain America underwear. 

Walking over to her I rest my hand on her hip. My other hand comes to put some of her hair behind her ear. 

God she smells so nice. Leaning in I breath into her neck. 

"Nice underwear Cap." I say my hand traveling over her stomach before dipping to her underwear. I pull it back before releasing it. The underwear snaps back.

Then I feel pain in my nipple. Looking down I see Bailey giving me a purple nurple.

"Son of a bitch." I groan rubbing the left side of my chest soothingly. She laughs before heading into the bathroom. 

Once the pain subsides I leave her room before Brady has a temper tantrum. 

I get into the passenger seat of Brady's truck.

"What'd she do to you?" He asks and I show him my reddened nipple. 

He laughs, "Nice."

Eventually Bailey joins us and I glare at her from the front seat. 

Honestly I just turned around so I could look at her. 

She doesn't need to know that though. 

Know that I am in love with her. 


A/N This is chapter one but from Noah's point of view. It's an insight into what he was thinking during their almost kiss. I might do some other chapters from his point of view as well. 

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