39-I Hate You

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You know those moments that you realize how bad you messed up. The ones where you wish you could do over, or change something so a specific event would have never happened. 

I had one of those moments. I know it was my fault, I should've told him sooner. He shouldn't have found out this way. I really want a do over.

Getting off of Noah I stand, Noah standing behind me. 

"Brady I-" he cuts me off punching a hole into my wall. I flinch at the action, Noah grabbing my arm pulling me to stand next to him. 

Brady look at me, furious, "HOW DARE YOU." he screams at me. I gulp looking down, "I'm sorry." I mutter and he laughs, no humor in his tone. 

"You're sorry? YOU'RE FUCKING MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU'RE SORRY?" he yells. I shake my head, "Brady it's not like that." 

He narrows his eyes, "Then what is it like Bailey? Because from here it looked a lot like you were just on top of Noah. Or are my eyes deceiving me?" he look directly into his eyes. 

I take a deep breath, "We're together." I say looking up at Noah and giving him a small smile, he gives me one in return. 

"No you're not." Brady says making me and Noah look at him, "Yeah we are." Noah says in a duh tone. 

Brady shakes his head clenching his fists, "Whatever the fuck it was, it's done." I snort. 

"You don't get to just come in here and tell us our relationships done. It's not yours Brady." I say the nerve of him to think he gets to call the shots. 

He slams his hand on the dresser, "He's my bestfriend and you're my sister if I say it's done its done." I glare at him.

"That doesn't matter, the only thing that does is how Noah and I feel about each other. This isn't the Brady show where everything always goes Brady's way, yet somehow everything always does.-" I begin to rant. 

"You tell Noah that the two of you can't hang out with me at school, leaving me alone in middle school. You dated Chelsea and brought her to the house even though you knew what a bitch she was to me. You're an asshole to dad all the time for no reason. I ask you not to throw a party and you throw one anyway. You never care about how anyone else feels. 

It's always making sure things go your way. Well news flash Brady not everything is going to go your way. You storm in here and throw a fit, just grow up Brady." I take a breath after my rant. 

Looking up at him all I see is rage in his eyes. He takes a step closer to me and Noah pulls me behind him slightly. "Are you serious?" he asks his nostrils flaring. I am low-key waiting for him to turn into a werewolf. 

"All our lives the world has revolved around you. Dad always favorites you more, Aunt Peggy, even Mom." his voice cracks, "I wanted my own friends so I branched out, and you met Delilah so don't act like you were all alone. 

Don't act innocent when it comes to Chelsea you riled her up all the time. Now you are taking my best friend away from me." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. 

"I am not taking him from you, he isn't property." I say and he shakes his head, "Who do you think he'll chose when he wants to hang out with someone. His friend or the girl who spreads her legs for him?" A loud smack sounds the air. 

Only when I feel my hand sting do I realize I smacked him across the face. Guilt floods through me. "I didn't mean to." I say but by the look on his face he doesn't care. 

His hand rises and I close my eyes preparing my self for the impact. I deserve it. It never comes. 

I open my eyes and see Noah grabbing Brady's wrist. He looks angry. "Don't you dare fucking hit her." he growls, top werewolf moment. 

Stop it, this is a serious moment. 

Brady pulls his wrist out of Noah's grasp. He laughs dryly. "So it's ok for her to hit me but I can't hit her? Wow you really are pussy whipped." The tension in the room is thick.

I release a breath, "Brady I am sorry, about hitting you and not telling you about Noah and I. It was wrong to keep it a secret from you and I am really sorry we did it. He's still your best friend nothing has changed-" he cuts me off.

"Nothings changed? NOTHINGS CHANGED?." he smiles shaking his head, "You know what, I dont care." he says with no emotion.

I scrunch my eyebrows together. What is he saying. 

"Be together I don't care anymore, but just know you're both dead to me." tears form behind my eyes. 

I take a step closer to him and he takes a step back, "Please Brady." he shakes his head, "No you were supposed to be my sister not my best friends little whore. I hate you." he says and it feels like my world stopped. 

He's said some fucked up things to me in the past, but he has never said he hated me. By the look on his face it seems as if he means it too. 

"No you don't." I say as a statement. 

He nods, "Yes I do. I've hated you our whole lives. Always being the 'better twin', now I can finally say it and fuck does it feel good to say it." a lone tears falls from my eyes. 

"Brady you're just mad you don't actually hate me." he rolls his eyes, "Noah can stay in here with you. He's kicked out of my room." he says before leaving my room. 

Once he's gone I collapse onto the ground sobbing. I feel Noah wrap his arms around me and I lean into him. 

"He hates me." I sob into Noah's chest. I feel him running his hands up and down my back. 

"He doesn't Bails, he just said it in the moment." I shake my head, "I could see it in his eyes, he hates me."

Noah lifts my chin so I look at him, "He'll forgive you eventually, because he doesn't really hate you. I know that for a fact." the determination in his eyes makes me believe he thinks Brady doesn't hate me.

I know he does though. 

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