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Life is good right now, usually that means something bad is about to happen. 

I hope not. 

After our date we fell asleep on the merry go round. When we woke up it was already after noon. We packed everything up and he took me home. When we got to my house he kissed me goodbye. Well it started as just an innocent peck, somehow I ended up on his lap, his hand up my dress. 

Eventually I had to head back to my house. When I got inside Brady and Chelsea were gone, which meant I had the house to my self. I decide to take a shower and change into a pair of sweats and a hoodie. 

I sat myself at my desk and began my assignments that my teachers assigned for Christmas break. Turning on some music to listen to as I work on my first thing, an essay. 

Halfway through my work I decide to go down stairs and make myself some dinner. I put some frozen chicken strips on the pan and stick them in the oven. Checking my phone I see I have two missed texts from Noah. 

Little Bitch: What r u up too?

Little Bitch: Your brother appeared at my house, I guess he's staying the night. 

Me: Thx for letting me know....see you tmrw?

Little Bitch: hmm....I guess

Me: you guess?

Little Bitch: since you're practically begging me to come over, I will.

Me: Says the guy who was begging me to stay in his car this morning. 

Little Bitch: I'll always beg when it comes to you. I know what I want.

Me: Miss you, gotta get back to school work. See u tmrw.

Little Bitch: miss you too, see ya

The timer goes off on the oven and I take out the chicken strips putting them on the plate. I grab a bag of chips putting some on my plate before grabbing the ranch and putting some next to the chicken. 

I grab a bottle of lemonade before heading back up to my room. I put the plate and bottle on my desk grabbing my computer and turning on Netflix, playing criminal minds as I eat my dinner. 

Halfway through I begin to zone out. 

I start to think of things, lots of things. One how Mathew Gray Gubler is so hot. That's a major one happening in my mind. Who let him be that hot? 

Another thing is why they canceled the Society. I needed more Sam and Grizz moments. Honestly almost canceled my Netflix subscription after that. 

I am also thinking of my future, like what will happen once Noah and I go to college. We are officially together now, and I hope to stay that way forever. If I am being honest I don't see my self being with anyone besides him. 

The way he makes me feel is indescribable. I've never felt so loved before in my life. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't remind me how lucky he is to be with me. That's one of the best feelings in the world. 

He never judges me or makes me do something I don't want to do. At every point he makes sure I am prepared, and I don't mean just the physical stuff. 

Speaking of the physical stuff....

The way he is with me is just amazing. He never tries anything without making sure I am ok with it. Even though we haven't found anything I am not ok with, I know if we did he wouldn't do it or would stop whatever it was. 

I am so happy with him. I am happy. 

The other night we were lying in bed and we were talking about our favorite things about each other. Little does he know everything about him is my favorite thing. Corny I know. 

His smile, the way his dimples play on his face. His laugh, I could listen to it all night long. The freckles that dot his nose and cheeks. I am going to count them all one day. His hair that always looks like he just got out of bed. Running my hands through it is one of my favorite pass times. 

He is perfect. 

Noah's POV

It's currently 7pm and I am laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. All I want to do is go over to Bailey's house and cuddle the fuck out of her but I know she's doing her school work. She probably wouldn't believe me if I told her I already did mine. 

Asking her to be my girlfriend was one of the scariest things I have ever done in my life. The fear of her saying no, played so heavily on my mind that night. When she actually said yes I thought it was a dream. 

She is the most amazing girl I have ever met in my life. Anyone would be lucky to have her. Hell I still don't get how I got that lucky. I never did anything in my life to deserve someone like Bailey.

There is not a single thing about her that I hate, hell I love every single thing about her. How when she smiles, one side of her mouth raises higher than the other. Or how when she laughs to hard she begins to snort. She hates it but I love it. It's her. 

She's so smart, I love how she challenges me. Not just in school but in this relationship. I know Bailey won't expect anything less than she deserves, fuck I love that about her. 

I know that if I fuck up she'll be there to let me know. She won't let any man stand in the way of what she needs and its truly amazing. 

College scares me, I don't know where she stands on the whole long distance thing. I know she plans to go to Stanford. I don't know where I am going yet. I haven't told anyone but I was offered a scholar ship to University of Texas. 

For me, I would wait for Bailey. I would wait forever for her. I just don't know if she would do the same. I could never ask her to wait for me, I know she has big plans and I refuse to stand in her way. Even if that means losing her. Because Bailey well..

She's Perfect. 

Bailey's POV

After I finished my work, I text Noah a goodnight text before getting under the covers. 

I wake up and instantly know.


Hell Week. 


Sort of a filler chapter



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