8-Hell Week

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Welcome to hell week.

It's that one week a month I hate being a woman. 

Sadly that week is this week. 

The moment I woke up I knew. I had to spend the whole more changing my sheets and remaking my bed. Of course it doesn't help that I have been in a bad mood all week. 

Let me recap its been just over a week since the football game. 

Monday when we came back to school Noah had a bruise on his jaw and cheek. I went up to see what happened. Noah was never the fighter, he didn't like violence. He avoided it at all costs, he has only ever gotten into one fight I've witnessed. It was freshman year with this kid Randy. I never knew what he fought over though.

Anyways I went up to see what happened to him. It's not the first time he's come to school with bruises, it feels like its getting more frequent though. When I finally sucked up my nerves and asked he just walked past me.

No literally I said, "Noah what happened are you ok?" and he pushed past me bumping into my shoulder. I haven't tried to talk to him since. I just wanted to know he was ok. 

So that was the start of my week. Then Tuesday Chelsea stayed the night since Dad had another haul. Lets just say I didn't sleep that night and it sounded like a cat was dying. Wednesday was no better I was tired since I couldn't sleep the night before and our Calc teacher gave us a surprise test. 

Thursday was actually ok, Delilah showed up to school. Her usually cheerful mood was replaced with what seemed like sadness. I asked her what was wrong and she just said stuff with her mom. I didn't push it. 

Then Friday was another game, since it was out of town and dad was gone I didn't have to go. Thank the gods. 

The weekend was boring. I could hear Noah with Brady in his room playing video games. Every time we crossed paths he just pretended I wasn't there. 

Oh and Derrick. We are officially together. As of Friday. He asked me out by my locker with a cute stuffed teddy bear. There was a little note on it that said, 'I like you beary much.' I thought it was cute, Brady just said I shouldn't be dating his friends. 

Now its currently Monday morning as I am replacing my sheets with a pain that wraps around my whole body I consider staying home. I already know I can't, I have a big test in History today. I just don't want to face anyone.

Once I am finished with making my bed I slide on a pair of cotton underwear. I throw on an old hoodie and a pair of sweats. I pair that with my Air Force 1's and put my hair in a messy bun. I don't even bother with any makeup.

I head down stairs and fill a glass of water so I can take some aleve for my cramps. 

Then I go outside and get into my brothers truck. Once I'm inside I lay my head back against the headrest and close my eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Brady asks me and I open my eyes to look at him.

I huff, "Hell week." I watch as my brothers face morphs into disgust. 

See one of the many problems with not having another woman in the house especially during puberty can be hard. When I first got my period I was in 8th grade. I woke up that morning and instantly knew. 

I had crept down to dads room to tell him what had happened. I know it was just as embarrassing for him as it was for me. He helped me strip the sheets from my bed. 

As we were doing that Noah and Brady decided they wanted to know what was going on so they came into my room and saw my sheets.

To say I was mortified would be an understatement. Noah didnt say anything I think he was embarrassed but Brady well he announced how gross it was. That did not help the situation. 

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