10-Five years

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I make my way down stairs and to the kitchen. When I get into the kitchen I see my mom sitting by the counter.

"Mom?" she doesn't reply she just continues to stare ahead of her. 

I walk in her line of vision settling in front of her, "Mom." I say little louder.

Suddenly I'm in the guest bedroom. I walk around the bed to find my mom laying on the ground. An empty bottle of pills next to her. 

Tears prickle in my eyes as I drop down beside her.

"Mommmm!!" I scream shaking her but she doesn't respond. 

The tears begin to fall at a rapid pace as I keep screaming for her to wake up.

"Hi sweetie." I turn around to see my mom standing there. 

Her blonde hair is in waves framing her face. She's wearing her favorite white sundress.

I run up and hug her, "Mom I missed you."

"Why, it was your fault." I release her from my arms and look at her.

I shake my head, "What are you talking about?"

She laughs, "You could've saved me but you didn't. You killed me."

I gulp as the tears resurface, "I-I didn't mean to. You said you were ok."

"You didn't believe me did you?"

My lip begins to quiver. I knew she was lying. She wasn't ok. Moms right its my fault. 

Her demeanor changes as she begins to throw things at me.


I shake my head. "Mom please."


"Stop." I beg.


"Please mom stop."

I jolt awake. I can feel the sweat that covers my body.

Turning towards my nightstand to check the time. 


It's five years today.


Noah's POV

Walking into school today I know I won't see Brady or Bailey. Today marks five years since their mom died. 

I remember the day it happened, it was a Monday. Brady, Bailey and I were walking home from school. I decided to go to Brady's that day, I didn't want to deal with my family. I remember when we got close to their house, we saw two police cars and an ambulance. 

We rushed up the stairs to the house to see Mr. Johnson sitting on the bench. He was holding Ms.  Johnsons shirt. He was crying into it. Then it hit me. 

I watched as Bailey and Brady realized what had happened. Brady stormed into the house but Bailey stood there frozen. 

"Bails you ok?" I remember asking her. Of course she wasn't ok. She looked at me, I could see the tears that wanted to escape her eyes but she wouldn't let them. Instead she ran. Of course being me I chased after her. 

I found her at the local park sitting under the old oak tree. Bending down I sat beside her. I didn't know what to say. What do you say when someone just found out their mom died? So instead of saying anything I reached over and hugged her to me. 

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