19-The Bet

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Derrick has been kind of off these past few weeks, I don't know what gives though? 

I think he is still upset I wouldn't give it up for him. Like sorry I don't believe in doing something with someone I am not one hundred percent comfortable with.

One minute we're fine and the next he seems distant. He did say we are going out this Saturday though which is exciting. He said its some fancy restaurant. I even bought a new dress for it. 

It's currently Thursday after school Noah and I are laying  in my bed working on our project. He's got his back against the head board and his legs are sprawled out in front of him. He's wearing a blue t shirt and gray sweats. 

I am laying on my stomach facing towards the head board with my computer in front of me. I decided to dress comfy too, in a grey pull over and black cotton shorts. 

The only thing playing in my mind was Derricks reaction to my being a virgin. Is it that bad that I waited, am still waiting? I mean I don't feel comfortable with doing it with some rando. And I didn't comfortable doing it with him. 

"Whats on your mind Bails?" Noah asks shutting his laptop. I realize I've just been staring at the screen not doing anything.

I sigh closing my laptop, "You'll make fun of me." Or worse make me feel bad like Derrick did.

Her furrows his brows and sits up straighter, "No I won't. What's wrong."

I take in a deep breath sitting up and crossing my legs, facing him. 

"I-this is embarrassing." He shakes his head and scoots closer to me, crossing his legs. Now we are directly facing each other. 

"What ever it is I won't make fun of you. I think you forget I was there when you cut your own bangs. 

I wince at the memory as he laughs.

"Ok ok." I say and he sobers up.

"Is it bad that I am a virgin?" I ask super fast and close my eyes. I wait for him to laugh at me but he doesnt. 

I feel his hand tilt my chin upwards, "Open your eyes." he says and I do. 

The look on his face has not even a trace of humor.

"Did Derrick try something?" he asks studying me and I shake my head no. 

"No he didn't he just hinted I guess that it was weird that I was 18 and still a virgin." 

He lets go of my chin, "Bails there's nothing wrong with that. It's not weird that you choose to wait, it is your body." he emphasizes. One of the things I have always loved about Noah is his ability to make me feel better.

I nod my head and he continues, "He shouldn't make you second guess the choices you choose to make regarding what you do with your body remember that. If he can't wait that's his problem he can fuck off." I laugh at that. 

"Because if he truly likes you and wants to be with you then he'll wait as long as you need." I smile and pull him into a hug. 

"You always know the right thing to say." I mumble into his neck. 

He hugs me closer to him. After a while we break apart and get back to our work now that my mind is clearer. 


It's officially Saturday. I took a shower and shaved. I put on my vanilla body lotion and wrap my body in a towel before heading into my room. I sit on my bed waiting for my straightener to heat up.

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