Chapter 1: Over spilled milk

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"What? Again?" Karl Mao Santiago or Kao blurted out in disbelief.

"This is the 20th time that you've been rejected, Win! Don't you get tired? Or maybe numb?" Alfonso Pascual or Flon said while rubbing his jaw as he looked at the silent, tall chinito sitting beside him.

"If this was a winning streak, you would have been a champion by now," Justin Rosales Jr. also known as JJ said before leaning back on his chair and looking at his wristwatch.

"You know I'm not that jock kind of guy. The rigorous training is too much for me," Arwin Dave Ibarra or Win answered in a glum voice as he fingered the stem of the rose that the girl gave back to her. He had been courting her since Senior High School and he thought he stood a chance when they both passed the UPCAT. But the girl had other plans and chose to reject him on the very first day of classes after asking to have lunch with him.

"But you used to play for your senior high school soccer team!" Kao reminded Win while craning his neck to look beyond the door. He is curious about how their professor in this subject is going to look like because the first instructor that they met earlier looked old enough to be his father but is still very active end energetic for his appearance.

 He is curious about how their professor in this subject is going to look like because the first instructor that they met earlier looked old enough to be his father but is still very active end energetic for his appearance

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"Yes, why not try out for the varsity? Girls like sporty guys," Flon said while fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. Win scoffed before crossing his arms over his chest.

"If they don't like me as I am now, then it's their loss, not mine," Win said haughtily, finally regaining back his confidence.

"You think you are such a good catch, huh?" JJ told him in a hushed whisper and Win had to subtly look around him to see if their other classmates heard what JJ said.

"I don't think, I am," Win said in a confident tone that had Kao tapping the desk with his palm in agreement.

"Oh great! Typhoon season coming!" Flo said before rolling his eyes in feigned annoyance.

"Besides we're freshmen. Adjusting to college life is hard enough without having to worry about training or games. Been there, done that." Win said as he cocked his head to the side to regard his friends intently.

"If I had your height and agility, I wouldn't think twice about playing for the university. Aside from the allowance and other benefits, you get all the girls," JJ said ruefully as he fidgeted with his ballpen nervously while looking at his wristwatch, class is about to start in minutes.

"I don't need a lot of girls. I just want the one I like to like me back," Win said empathically before straightening up in his seat.

"Tough luck, Win. You might be called Win but you are a loser in the Love department," Flon chided Win before running a hand through his hair to make them look somewhat presentable.

"Hey, our professor is here. Keep your voice down," Kao said since he was seated close to the door and he saw someone approaching. He wasn't sure if it was a professor or a student since they do not have uniforms so it is hard to distinguish faculty from students especially since many instructors looked young enough to pass as students.

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