chapter 11

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Angelina's POV:
I woke up to a call from my phone, I checked who it was. It was Nathan. I was so happy, that I answered and when I also glanced at my clock, it was -- 6:30 AM. I was wondering, why was he calling me, this early? I was getting a bad feeling.

I sighed quietly and answered the phone call. I haven't seen him for weeks, it feels like eternity. I didn't hesitate to pick up.

"Angelina, I miss you" I froze when he spoke, that voice, i missed it so, so, so much.

I sighed, "You don't think i miss you every second?"

I could hear a sigh from the phone. "Ange, do you always miss me?"

Of course, I'm always missing him.

I chuckled, "You know how much I miss you. But how's business going? Are you okay?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, it's going great. I'm doing great. Just hoping I'm home most of the time. Kind of hate work right now. But it's going good."

I smiled, "That's great. Okay, take care, I love you."

He let out a small laugh, "I love you too, Angelina."

In two months, I would marry the man I love. I'm so happy.

I got up and decided to call Anna.

Inside my mind, I was thinking about my family. I wondered if they missed me. I knew Nicholas did, but now he's the mafia leader, and the thing that shocked me the most was that Stella was pregnant. I didn't know the news until, Stella told me herself, and Olivia too. I hoped they were doing good.

I knew no matter Nico would such a great father, and Stella would be a great mother even if I didn't knew her that well. She was so respectful and kind. She told me and Olivia she was about 9 weeks pregnant, and that was all. She didn't tell me anything else.

I asked her how my family was doing, she said that they were great. Olivia was planning on moving out our house. She bought a house near our house since she wants to be close to our family. The Martinez's have also agreed to me and Nathan's marriage, even though Kaia felt a little worried.

I got dressed up, and told Xavier that I'll be going to my family's house. So, he sent some of his men with me. I knew Giovanni and Darcio, and Eliza were with me.

In about 10 minutes, we got home. Everything seemed different. Mother wasn't around that much, the only ones in the house were Stella and my dog, Bambi. I called out, "Hello?" but nothing, I looked down to the floor and under the couch, since a smell was coming from there. I wasn't shocked to see what was hidden under the couch. Alcohol. Someone had hidden alcohol under the couch, about 3-4 bottles. I was worried, and hopefully, it wasn't Stella.

I went up the stairs, and I could see Stella sleeping in Olivia's room, which is now Stella's. She was sleeping so peacefully, and was wearing some white shorts, and fluffy pink socks, with a over sized pink shirt, and her hair was in a messy bun.

Nicholas wasn't there at all with her, she was the only one in the house.

Our men were outside. From nearby our extra room from upstairs, I could see Rose, Samuel's sister outside laughing and smoking with some random old man.

I didn't mind her. I just went downstairs, and went to lay down on my couch to wait until Stella woke up, I just wanted to see if she and the baby were okay. I also wanted to ask her some questions, important questions.

I haven't been going to the university in a while, so it's fine, because Anna always tells me the work we need to do. I just took a nap, of course I would be exhausted.

I just waited, waited and waited. Stella woke up about 4 hours later. I just slept for about an hour and my mother came home, "Angelina?" she asked quietly.

She changed so much, she wasn't the woman I knew. She never dressed normally, she cut her beautiful brown hair, and her makeup was much different. I couldn't believe my eyes. This wasn't the woman I knew anymore. It made me so sad looking at my mother like that. When she said my name, she seemed so sad. So so sad.

"Mama, are you okay?" I asked slowly. She shook her head. Her hands were shaking. It looked like she didn't want to see me.

She grabbed my shoulders with her cold hands and told me, "Ange, you shouldn't be here. You should go."

I stared at her, and raised my eyebrow, "No mama. No, i won't leave you."

She grabbed my shoulders harder and screamed, "You have to leave Angelina!"

"What about Stella huh? We can't leave her and the baby alone."

She looked surprised and asked, "How do you even know about the pregnancy?"

I grabbed her cold hand, and said, "Stella and Olivia told me about it. I know mama. We can't leave her alone. I am not leaving Stella and that baby alone. Anything could happen."

She looked down and said, "Your father wants to take you and Olivia away from me, and Stella too. He wants to kill me."

I laughed, I just couldn't believe a single word she said, i knew my father would never kill my mother. He wouldn't be capable to even do that. For my whole life, I have never seen my father lay a hand on my mother, the woman whom he loved, who he had his children, his wife, his companion.

"Mama, stop lying" I rolled my eyes.

She looked angry, and said, "do you think I'm fucking lying? You think that I'm capable of fucking lying over something dumb? I'm scared of him. We divorced, Angelina. We have been divorced for a few years now. We just didn't want to tell you. Your siblings know about it. But he wants to take my daughters and my grandchild away, and my daughter in law as well, you think i will lie over that?"

But now, I believed her, i did. i believed her, because i knew she would never lie. Something my mother never did, she never liked lying, she would always say the truth, she was always honest. But this time I wasn't sure about her telling the truth.

one thing i do know is that i will never let my father kill my mother, or take Stella, or Olivia or even that baby away.

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