chapter 5

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Angelina's POV:

That moment when Samuel left the room, and didn't even explain why, broke me apart. I've always loved, Samuel, more than friend. But I guess, even if he's with this girl, I gotta respect it. I spent hours crying in my bed, I told Anna I wouldn't go to school. I know it was stupid for me not to go to school over a dude. But fuck, it got me so jealous.

I wasn't in the mood to go to school at all. Samuel has hooked up with many other women, but I never saw where he told any of them that she was his.

That broke me even more, because when Samuel and I slept together, he said that to me too, and I thought I was the only one. Clearly, I wasn't, but it's fine. Me and him were never even dating, so I should just stop worrying, or crying over a guy.

I was tired of dealing with his bullshit, so I went for a drink in a nearby bar, and well drank more than I can imagine.

It took me about 5 minutes to realize, I was in big trouble.

I just didn't care for once in my life, did whatever I could to be free, and enjoy life. I was happy, i finally did whatever I wanted. I came home, drunk, and until I saw Samuel, he looked worried, and for the first time, he said, " Angelina, what happened?" I didn't look at him in the eye, I just knew my heart was broken.

My mother saw me, "Oh dear God, Angelina! Why the fuck do you smell like alcohol?"

I couldn't respond, I was tired, and exhausted.

My mother looked mad, and said, "Why is your clothes smelling like alcohol too!? And why on earth are you wearing someone's jacket?"

I sighed, "Nothing, it's Nico's. Leave me alone."

My mother patted my head, and out of random, Samuel asks my mother, "Kehlani, let me take Angelina."

My mother sighed, "Okay, go. Becareful with my daughter, Samuel."

I just wanted to cry, in tears, never in my life, have I ever felt exhausted, or so, so, tired.

Samuel finally looked at me in the eye and said, "I'm so sorry, Angelina. but I felt like with Audrey it was different. I just— She was different. I don't know. The way it was with her."

Hearing those words broke me. I was just crying and he made me cry more. I pretend I didn't hear him. I wiped the tears from my eyes and ignored him. I knew I was better to cry over a guy. I just started changing in front of him, and when all my clothes were off, he cleared his throat, and asked, "What are you doing?"

I was still drunk. I did my hair into a messy bun and rolled my eyes, "I'm changing clothes. What do you think I'm doing?"

He sighed. As I was trying to walk to her bathroom, I hit my head on the wall.

He came up to me and grabbed my chin, and asked, "Are you okay? Did it hurt? tell me, are you okay Angelina?"

I sighed, "Yes, I'm okay."

I looked into his eyes. I remember those eyes. They were Aurora's. He has the same eyes as his mother. The same gorgeous hazel eyes he inherited from her. He stared at me and said, "Why aren't you talking to me? I told you the fucking truth, Ange."

I shook my head, "Get the fuck off me. I want to sleep. Let me go to sleep."

His eyes were wide after what I said. I walked to my bed and put on some lip gloss. I had already washed my face and put on some lotion on my body.

He walked over to me, "Angelina, please. Talk to me."

I rolled my eyes, "No, just go, Samuel. I am not in the mood."

He sighed and kept looking at me. I turned off my lamp and I went under the covers of my bed. I heard the door shut. I knew I would not cry over him. I sighed and went to sleep.

He left, and I never saw him since then. But I just heard he and Audrey were dating.

From that day on, me and him never talked or interacted with each other since he's with someone now, my father changed my bodyguards, and I took more training lessons.

Olivia was struggling with anxiety all the time, but I helped her get through it. I tried talking to dad about the alliance, until he accepted. He would let me get married with Nathan Martinez.

At first it was weird but we interacted as friends and got closer.

I went to visit him, he was expecting me again. He knew I would come in, and stare at him. I also knew he would check me out, and always look at me up and down. He was something I desired for, and wished for.

Nathan Martinez, I am attracted towards you. I wish I said.

He smiled and said, "It's nice seeing you, why are you here though?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know."

He let out a chuckle, "You don't know? or is it because you want me so bad?"

I glared at him,"Oh shut up, you pig. I don't need anything from you."

He laughed and kissed my forehead, "Very well, I got errands to run. you can stay here if you want."

I nodded and he left.

But I went back home.

"Marrying Martinez? I would've expected better from you, Angelina."

I let out a chuckleand asked him, "Long time, no see, how's things with Audrey?"

He rolled his eyes "We're over."

I laughed, "Damn, that's sad and pathetic. How many months were you both together? Oh wait, yeah almost two months right? Yet on those two months I was doing much great without seeing your face around here."

He glared at me, "Why the fuck are you so rude to me? Why do you even care if I was a thing with Audrey or not, Angelina?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't fucking care anymore. Leave me alone."

"Angelina, I don't get you at all. One minute you're friendly with me and another you're fucking around with my mind or you're mad at me."

I didn't answer to that. I didn't know what to say.

He sighed, "What have you done to yourself Angelina? This isn't the Angelina I know. She used to be sweet, kind adorable."

I laughed, and just smiled, "Oh fuck no. That sweet so called 'innocent, sweet girl' died a long time ago, Samuel. Trust me, she did."

He came up to me, "Ange, look at me, this isn't you. you're not this girl, why are you like this?"

I backed up, "You have no right to tell me that I changed when you know it' your fault. This would've never happen if you just told me that you were in love with Audrey, instead of screwing me and her at the same time, I felt so hurt. You don't know much I loved you Samuel. I truly did, ever since I was a teenager. But we can't happen because of my dad. So I suggest you leave things like this."

He just sat there and sighed, "You don't think I never loved you? I still love you, Angelina. but I just feelings started developing for Audrey. I couldn't control it. She made me feel a different person outside this life Angelina. Your father always controlled you. I couldn't even have a moment with you."

I sighed, "It does not excuse the fact that you had sex with me and you were still seeing Audrey It's just messed up, Samuel."

He left and sighed, "Well I'm sorry. I didn't know it would hurt you that much."

I just left, and I wanted to cry, but I didn't.

I knew I wasn't gonna let myself cry over a guy who isn't even worth my tears.  I completely ignored Samuel for the entire day.

fuck. i don't even honestly know anymore.

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