chapter 3

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Angelina's POV:

After the alliance that father made about Olivia getting married to Nathan. I couldn't sleep last night, neither could Olivia.

We both spent the night worrying until we ignored the subject and stayed up to watch Netflix.

I made up a plan that would save from Olivia getting married to Nathan. He just went on and accepted that dumb alliance for more power, money, just so my father would also share his land with Nathan.

I had so much hatred for father, I knew today I wouldn't look at him.

I never knew I would ever hate my father that much, but I guess I did, I always did. From the way he treated me, to the way, he never cared about me or my siblings, all he cared about was for us to be trained and for Nicholas to take over his mafia.

I woke up from hearing a gunshot.

I rubbed my eyes, and went downstairs to check. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Samuel.
I stuttered "S-Samuel?"

He saw me, he put the gun down, and in the ground was the body of a lifeless woman.

Blood over the floor. The blood was rushing down like rain. She was dead, and he killed her.

I couldn't say a word. We were there in silence, the men were looking at me.

My head couldn't comprehend anything, I was just staring at that woman and what Samuel did to her.

I wanted to scream to the top of my lungs, and scream at Sam for doing this. I mouthed the word "why?"

I stared at his brown eyes, and I couldn't even talk to me. He knew, what he did was unacceptable to me.

Even though, I realized im not anything to him, so why should it be unacceptable? I didn't care.

I went running upstairs with worry killing me inside again. First, I witnessed a murder of a man, my dads own man and now a woman. not that my father killed, but Samuel.

I realized I would stop worrying and forget about everything.

He ran after me and I closed the door of my room. I locked the door.

"Angelina, don't get mad at me. This is how our life is."

I didn't want to hear his excuses  so don't care about what this life is. I know it. I was trained for a few years, but stopped because I didn't want to be part of this life.

He left me alone.

I asked, Anna, if she can call me. But her brother answered, and said she's busy at the moment.

So I waited, and then Anna called, and said she could. But I first wanted to know something about Anna. What was her siblings' names if they work for Nathan?

Anna came by to my house, but she saw so many men, and many cameras near by. Of course we had so much people with us. Until she called me, and said that she got lost, and told me to come get her.

I did get her, and we went upstairs to my room. There was always, Sylvester and Lorenzo, guarding my door, so they just let us in. I had an extra closet, so they couldn't hear what me and Anna were talking about. "You look pale as fuck, Ange."

I quickly drank some water, and I sighed, "God, Anna." She looked confused, and asked, "What is it?"

My mind was on Nathan. I found not only his looks attractive, but his attitude was so hot, and fierce, which makes him hotter.

We both just laughed, and until I asked Anna about her siblings. "Hey, Anna, what's your siblings' name?" She looked at me, and asked, "Why?"

I smiled and said, "Just curious."

She then chuckled and said "Gianna Williams, and Donovan Williams."

I thought she had two brothers, but she showed me a picture of them on her phone. Anna looked like them both.

Time was passing by so fast, Anna prepared for the party. I told my men the truth about the party and  they dropped me off but they would still stay inside and outside to watch me. They told my parents so it was fine.

When I went in, I couldn't believe my eyes, there was so many people I didn't even know. They were all drinking, vaping, or smoking, and some of the people were making out in the rooms.

Until I saw him, Nathan.

He smiled, "Angelina."

I rolled my eyes at him and waved hello. I still didn't like his behavior, and how he accepted the alliance with my dad.

He just went upstairs, he didn't mind people partying at his house, he had so many cameras, and body guards, and his own mafia people, he knew what would happen, so of course he needed his safety.

After looking at all these people, I decided to look around the house, just of curiosity.

In each room, there was some nasty shit. In the bathroom there was a couple having sex, the guy came up to me, and said, "Hey beautiful, wanna join us?" He also winked at me.

I made a face of disgust, and closed the door. In the room, there was some people drinking, and some girls twerking on some random old ass men.

Again, another men, asked if me and him could have sex, I just left quickly. In another room, there was people smoking, and vaping, more. I felt like this whole party made me uncomfortable.

Until, I heard Nathan's voice, but I hid behind the door, to just hear what he had to say. "Oh trust me, the alliance Vincent St. Clair offered me was a good idea. but I don't want to marry his oldest fucking daughter. I want the last one, I want to marry his last daughter."

I was in fucking confused, so after all this time, of my father offering a alliance he accepted it. but he wanted to marry me, instead of Olivia?

I felt like I was treated as an object. But I knew I wasn't an object, I was a human being. But another crazy thought came in my head, What if he likes me? Or if he's attracted to me? His words were repeating through my mind: I  want the last one.. I want to marry his last daughter...

Even though I was severely attracted to this man, I was scared he would probably take advantage of my family.

Nathan got up, and before he could catch me hearing. I hid in a closet, so he wouldn't know where I was.

Then, I went and walked slowly so he wouldn't catch me, and I managed to flee away from him. I kept looking through the guest rooms and there was so, many people.

I was Xavier, he was making out, with Luna, his wife, and it broke my heart knowing what he did to Olivia a long time ago.

When Olivia and Xavier were together, he left my sister for another girl, and what I heard so far, he and Luna had been dating for years. I just forgot about it. He probably knew about Olivia and Kian.

I went a poured a glass of champagne for me, until Xavier came up to me. He said, "Hello." while smiling at me.

I saw him and said, "Hey, Xavier!"

He randomly asked, "And how is your family?"

I looked at him and said, "They're good." He then asked again, "And Olivia? How is she dealing with her anxiety?"

I sighed and said, "She still has it, she takes medications to treat her anxiety, even though my father doesn't know."

He chuckled and said, "I'm glad she's doing okay."

He then said goodbye to me, and i said goodbye back and he left. I'm still trying to find out whether Xavier Knight still loves my sister.

I came home, when mother told me, father went out for a week to do work with Nicholas and Olivia. It was just me and my mom, but we did our own thing.

I would just write, or paint, or read, those were my three favorite things in the world. I guess I got it from my father. My dad loved painting, and reading when he was a kid, but until my grandfather mistreated my father, and made him become who he was, which was pretty damn hard on my dad.

And anyways, I just knew that some days won't be good at all, or will be good after all. I just fucking waited for the days to pass. I would take the risk of asking Nathan to marry me instead of my sister...

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