chapter 10

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Angelina's POV:

"You coming, or not?", says Olivia in an annoyed voice, and goes downstairs. I was so confused with what she was saying, so i just changed and followed her. I received a text from Nathan. It made me so so happy, I literally screamed and blushed looking at my phone, he texted:

Nathan: " Ciao, bambina, come va? mi manchi"
He missed me, knowing he said that, made my heart melt, he always found a way to make me smile or happy. I replied and said, "I miss you more, il mio amore, see you soon."

I wanted to write a while paragraph to him, but I knew he was probably busy, he had important things to do, so I just send that. He left me on delivered, and I ignored it.

I stayed home all day, alone. Watching The notebook, Diamanté went out with her boyfriend so before she left, I ordered pizza, and some spicy chicken wings with some sprite, my favorite meal of all time. I just again needed some time for me.

I finished eating and after I went to practice some of the things Nick showed me how to do, and what our family does. The killings, money, dirty business my dad does.

I learned how to shoot more, and my aiming got a bit more better. After,I went for a run, I unhooked my phone from its charger, put on some workout clothes, and some running shoes, and got my air pods to put on some good ass chase atlantic music, especially swim and numb to the feeling. They're good as fuck.

After my workout, I went to visit Anna, and she wasn't there, I remembered she told me she went out with the Tommy guy. I felt so dumb for not knowing, so should've known or remembered what she told me, but I didn't.

I went home again, and just went to sleep. My favorite thing was to be alone and sleep all day, or at least eat some spicy shit, or some cake. I wondered what my brother was doing. Maybe I should call him.

But he wasn't home, he's my family's mafia leader right now. Plus he's in France at the moment doing business with the De Santiago family. My dad is with him in France too.

I haven't heard from my mom in a long time so I don't know about her. I decided to get a day for myself and just watch some movies and chill for today. Even though, nobody was home. Not even Stella. I'm okay though. Having company inside my house for myself. I wasn't only by myself though. M
Everytime I was home, there would always be 3 to 4 men outside my house watching. There would also be 2 to men 3 inside watching our house. I always had men around me.

That's how it is to be the daughter of a famous mafia leader.

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