"You always do this. Stop making things difficult. You know how I am. I'll call you later Trey." She rolled her eyes as she exited his bedroom and let herself out of the house. She and Trey had known each other for years, longer than anyone actually knew that they had known each other. It all started about four years ago when she admitted that she thought that he was cute in a live chat, so he slipped into her DMs. The rest was history.

Her phone buzzed in her Dolce and Gabbana bag as soon as she got into the car. She reached over the console and dug through the bag, mentally reminding herself that she really needed to clean it out later, before she extracted her phone and swiped the answer button to the left.

"I know it's early but I woke up and I couldn't go to sleep. We're still on for breakfast today, right?" That sweet accent that she had grown to love filled her ears and it almost made her smile. Almost.

"Yeah, of course. In fact, I was already out for a run this morning so how about I just come over to you now and get ready over there?" Demi suggested, chewing down on her bottom lip as she started her car up.

"That'd be great. I might fall back asleep so you can just let yourself in. I'll see you soon, Hermosa." She rarely said bye when she was on the phone so Wilmer hung up before she did. Even though her car was started, she sat back in her seat for a little bit to reflect on her life as the sun was rising above the horizon. Most women her age would want to be in a serious relationship or in college, but Demi couldn't see herself doing that right now. She was happy where she was. She was sailing on a boat of never ending success, she was at the peak of her career, she had healthy relationships with people who cared about her, and most importantly; she wasn't tied down to a man. She was free to be with whoever she wanted to be with and that was truly the best part of it all.

"My life is great," she snorted before backing out of Trey's driveway. She would be back; maybe after her breakfast with Wilmer or even way later on in the day, but she would come back. She always did.

Sitting in one of the many conference rooms in her record label's executive building in one of the plush leather office chairs that was seated at the head of the table, Demi fought off the urge to roll her eyes. She had been on her way to Wilmer's house when she had received a call from her manager saying that there was a mandatory meeting that she just had to attend. She appreciated all that they had done for her since she left Hollywood Records and moved to the Def Jam family, but she didn't appreciate last minute calls about what she deemed as unnecessary meetings.

"There's something special about you Lovato." She honestly didn't remember any of their names so she couldn't exactly address him but Mr. Blue Tie was just stating the obvious. She knew there was something special about her. Everyone who came in contact with her did.

"And we have yet to tap into that. Your album, how is it going?" Demi decided to sit up in her seat a little bit so it didn't seem like she didn't wanna be there, even if that was true.

"It's great. Timbaland and Missy are meeting up with me in New York so that we can work on it some more after I do my interview for..." she trailed off because she didn't remember the name of the radio show that was interviewing her later that day and she honestly did not care.

"The Breakfast Club. You are being interviewed by the Breakfast Club. Do you remember why?" Jeff (was that his name?) questioned as Demi nodded, because they had been over this hundreds of times and if this was what their meeting was about then she didn't feel as if it was that "mandatory."

"We are trying to help you reach out to a new demographic. There's a spot open in the R&B genre that you need to fill or we're dropping you," Jeff, she was pretty sure that was his name, stated, doing that thing that rich old men with lots of power seemed to with their hands, forming a pyramid like structure by touching their fingers together and staring into it as if something were actually trapped inside. Maybe it was his soul.

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