Chapter ThirtyFour

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Reluctantly we both find our way back to the main house, with no other option than to stay there until Sage can arrange to have our belongings moved to his house, as well as have the house repaired.

The walk back in last nights dress would have been more humiliating without Sage by my side. Lawless citizens tend to turn their heads away when they realise Sage is walking by, I'm still not sure whether it's out of fear or respect. Honestly it's probably a mix of both.

We get to the gravel driveway of the house, my heels finding the unstable ground hard to walk on. Sage wraps an arm around the top of my shoulders, steadying me.

The sound of a deep male scream comes from within the surrounding forest. I stop walking and look around; the scream seemingly echoes from all directions, picked up and carried by the wind. Sage tenses his arm around me before he urges me to keep walking.

"C'mon" he says quietly.

The front door opens before Sage gets the chance to push it. Lydia almost walks into us; one arm holds Rose on her hip and she clasps Lily's hand in her other. She seems flustered and in a rush.

"What's happening?" Sage asks her. She looks up at him, blowing the hair out of her face.

"We're going. Serge is in the kitchen" is all she says. She gives me a glance as she passes by with the girls. It isn't a glance of hatred, more like uncertainty. She puts the girls into the Jeep before pulling out of the driveway. I assume Lydia and Serge have their own house somewhere that Lydia and the twins are going to camp out in until the rat is caught.

I step into the house as Sage holds the door open. A few people roam around, most of them the men that usually hung around here.

I look at the faces of those that walk past us, memorising them and flicking through memories of possible suspicious behaviour but nothing comes to mind.

"Look who decided to show up" I jolt the slightest bit when Stephan appears to our right, seemingly out of nowhere. He chuckles under his breath once he sees me wearing last nights clothes; his eyes running up and down my bare legs, making me feel naked.

"Fuck off Stephan and do your job" Sage's voice speaks over the ruckus of the house. Everyone turns to look at the commotion before turning around and minding their own business.

"Rage!" Serge's voice is heard from the kitchen. Stephan exits out of the front door and disappears.

Sage walks me to the bottom of the stairs, gives a harsh kiss to my temple and a pat to the butt, urging me to go upstairs as he walks in the direction of the kitchen.

I take my shoes off and walk barefoot up the stairs, eager to have a shower and warm up my body.

"Oh, Dove, you're home" Ivy almost runs into me as I round the corner of the staircase. It takes a moment for her to take in my condition before she starts smirking.

I feel the blush rising on my neck and push pass her, speed walking towards the end of the hallway, my hips aching as I reach Sage's room.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about!" Ivy shouts behind me. I throw an arm behind my back at her in a 'go away' gesture. Her laughter echoes behind me as I close the door.


The warm water runs down my spine as I drop my head back and let it dampen my hair, the chill of the night before being washed away.

Sage's shampoo is the only option I have to wash my hair with, I should ask Ivy about where to get my own, but I like having the smell of Sage with me.

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