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'Call me baby' - EXO



The year flew by so quick, Zayn was not anticipating his A levels to pull up that quick. Imran was a cheeky little thing - Zayn still remembered his first words (dada), when hw begun sitting up without support too. He remembered how he used to roll over so much that they never left him on the bed alone incase he rolled off. How Imran had surprised them by learning to crawl at an early age.

Well at first he didn't know how to use his legs so it was more like him on his stomach the floor scoot forward with his arms. He had caused everyone to laugh so much - he looked like a little caterpillar moving about. Soon he had caught the hang of using his legs. Which led Syra running around the house, making sure to 'baby-proof' everything. How his mother used to playfully scold him when he opened the cupboards and messed up her whole collection of plastic containers she had faithfully collected over the years.

And he had begun walking - at nine months. Which mostly ended up with Zayn and his siblings chasing after him, as Syra was heavily pregnant. Now, at eleven months, he could understand some phrases in all the languages he was surrounded with. He could say some words, and some sentences but they didn't make much sense as he would mix up languages in one sentence. From hearing Pashto from his dad, Punjabi and Urdu from his mum and Syra's parents and of course English from him, Syra and their siblings.

Speaking of which, this time you could see her baby bump. It wasn't too big, it didn't seem like she was having twins, but they knew that one baby was probably hidden within her body as Imran was. He had yet to wrap his head around the fact that no one knew, not even Syra herself, that a whole ass human was camping out in there. She was literally due in a few weeks. She had her last exam the week of her due date.

Her pregnancy didn't turn out to be very smooth. She was unable to keep down anything, including water. Everything she ate or drank came right out like fifteen minutes later. This resulted with regular trips to the hospital to get drips - she needed nutrients for herself and both her children. Whenever she was not feeling well enough to go sixth form, she would do her classes online, as her school was gracious enough to provide that.

Zayn was worried about his cousin. Shahzad. His father had an accident, which left him in a coma. His dad's brother. Zayn did not know exactly what happened as Shahzad refused to tell anyone the details until his father woke up. Zayn had to take Syra back and forth from the hospital a lot as if recently, as well as working as well as moving their stuff slowly into their house. They were going to move in right after they had their registry, so after the birth.

So he wasn't able to chase up Shahzad who had seemingly vanished into thin air. Shahzad was already hard to get a hold of and now he just wasn't anywhere. Barely picking up calls, not replying to messages. He was on full ghosting mode. Most of what he heard was from Ahmad, even though Ahmad was from his mums side of the family. They were practically neighbours so they saw each other a lot more often.

Zayn decided not to pester him. If he wanted distance right now, he would respect that. He still took his mums dishes over to their house. Shahzad didn't want Zayn to be involved especially now that he had Imran, Syra and soon the twins. All Zayn knew for sure was that this 'accident' didn't seem much like an accident but rather more deliberate. However he would not intrude. Shahzad would come to him at the right time. Hopefully.

Zayn had also secured a good job under his fathers friend. His business was somewhat similar to what Zayn wanted to do, which is why he chose to leave working under his father and brother in law. He could now at least pay the bills of his new house independently. And the groceries and other expenses. And when he was fully independent in the future, he would pay back the money his father lended for the house and the money his father in law gave for the furniture and other expenses of buying a house. He just didn't say it to anyone but Syra incase he wasn't able to do it in the future. Almost as if he didn't want to jinx it. He tried not to worry about money and income that much anymore.

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