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'Forever Young' - Blackpink



"You look lovely, stop worrying unnecessarily," Malikah said to Syra, after she checked her appearance in the mirror for the billionth time.

She was wearing what her mother wore when she first met her father, a traditional maroon Panjabi shalwar kamees with matching kuseh, jhumkay and a plain chudiyan set on each hand. She thought she looked like those village girls in Pakistani dramas. (Shalwar kamees are the official clothes of Pakistan, but worn across South Asia. Consists of a shirt with slit in the sides and trousers).
(Jhumkay are a type of earrings worn by Desi women that kind of have a dangly dome shape) (Chudiyan are bangles)

She wore her scarf the way she did when she had at the dawat at Zayn's house, but in maroon, to let her earrings show

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She wore her scarf the way she did when she had at the dawat at Zayn's house, but in maroon, to let her earrings show. She wore her maroon dupatta on her shoulder, letting it dangle in the front and back. She decided to just stick of concealer for makeup, her hands shaking too much to do the rest. Bas, she thought, get a hold of yourself, Syra. (Enough).

Malikah and her hurried downstairs and into the kitchen, that way they could eavesdrop when Zayn and his parents came over. Syra would join them later with tea. She cursed at the one who came up with such a tradition in her culture - she was definitely going to drop it, most likely on Zayn.

The International event was finally over, just in time for the Christmas holidays. She knew if this wedding commenced she'd either get married during these holidays, or the half term during February.

Butterflies raged in her stomach at the thought of being married to Zayn. She could barely remain composed in his presence with others around and in her full hijab, what would she do when she's alone with him? The thought made her blush, best not to get too ahead. She was nervous about taking off her hijab, being comfortable with him, but she was sure that would come with time. She was thankful she had an older sister, so she had heard her experiences.

Wait - if they were not living together, that would mean that she would keep her virginity? Syra did not want to dwell on that thought - she had always wanted a big family but thinking of the pain of losing your virginity, being so intimate and vulnerable, left her with mixed feelings. She was a little scared; but who was not at first. Malikah had been the same, she had said to just be yourself and let the relationship flow and you will relax and be comfortable. Besides Syra had other things to think about.

The doorbell rung loudly, informing Syra and her family of her soon-to-be-in-laws arrival. Saleh went and opened the door and welcomed them inside. She heard his mother's cheery voice, the booming tone of his dad and the low tone of Zayn. She shivered. God damn. Malikah wiggled her eyebrows at Syra, who rolled her eyes in return.

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