881 41 28

"Cheap thrills' - Sia (featuring Sean Paul)



Finally, it was Friday. Evening was approaching; Zayn would soon leave to pick her up. It got dark quick so he definitely wasn't having her come by bus all alone. She'd be riding on his dirt bike with him. But she didn't know that and he wanted to keep it as a surprise.

He had cleared up the attic today, wiping the surfaces free of the dust, placing new sheets on the bed, stocking the toilet with toiletries. He put a few pairs of his clothes in the cupboard.

And most importantly, he put on these covers on the bottom of the attic stairs. That way he would be able to hear if anyone was coming up in advance. He was actually very proud of himself for coming up with that. Their attic also had a balcony, so he cleaned that up too, knowing Syra liked them and often spent her time there. He had been on FaceTime with her legit the entire time, even when they did tasks around the house without saying anything to each other, they simply enjoyed the others presence. This had helped them break the ice.

They didn't mention the night he came over. They seemed to act like completely different people during the day and during the night. He could tell she was often thinking about it and would be about to mention it, but he quickly would divert the conversation. He wanted to discuss that while she was here in person.

Zayn put his shoes and coat on, grabbing his keys and heading outside. He inserted the keys into his bike and it started, engine roaring to life. He pulled on his helmet and put his feet on either side, setting off.

Riding his bike was one of his favourite things to do. He felt free, he enjoyed the wind blowing against him, giving him a sense of freedom.

As he neared Syra's house, he slowed down and parked his bike on the main road, before climbing off and leaving his helmet on the bike. He walked to her house, remembering he had to act like he had never been to their house before. He walked up the front path and rang the doorbell and stepped back to a respectable distance.

The door was opened by Ilyas. He didn't open it fully immediately, staring at him. Now that Zayn was married to his sister, he didn't really care what Ilyas thought. He would never openly be hostile for Syra's sake, nor did he have a reason to be. He was just playing his part as an overprotective brother, Zayn was like that with his sisters. Zayn didn't let his ego get in the way and went forward to greet him,

"Assalamualaikum Ilyas," he said firmly, giving a tight lipped smile, but keeping his face open.

Ilyas gripped his hand tightly before letting go.

"Walaikumasalam, Syra's just coming down," he said neutrally.

He could've been thought of as civil, friendly even, if it weren't for the way he narrowed his eyes and leaned against the doorframe. He didn't invite Zayn in which Zayn was thankful for. He didn't need a whole tense conversation with Sikandar Uncle and Saleh as well.

"Coming back from one of your drug dens?" he asked, leaving Zayn exasperated.

Come on, we were just doing fine, thought Zayn.

"Funny. Don't worry, Syra knows about all of my whereabouts. Can't say the same for you. You're hardly in a position to judge," Zayn responded.

"It's good she doesn't know. Won't be used as leverage against me. Can't say the same for you," he shot back, mimicking Zayn's voice at the end.

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