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'Goblin (Favorite Boys)' - A.C.E



"Set me the ball, Key! Back left, back left! Set me up for a long shot!" hollered Kai from behind Zayn.

He turned to see Cian - aka Key - across from him, trying to get the ball to Kai just next to him. He knew Kai, short for Kairees, was just waffling - why would he reveal his next move to his opponents. Instead Key would do something else and Kai would understand because they have some sort of code. Kasmeh these two are telepathic, Zayn thought in annoyance, not knowing what to predict as Keys next move. (I swear).

He caught Mabdi's eye from behind Key. He widened his eyes and slid them to the left, then up and right. Zayn raises his eyebrows once, telling Mabdi he understood and prepared himself. He watched as Reign, nickname for Korain, sneaked from the left, trying to bypass him. Luckily Sajid was nearby in case he got the ball. Damn, he thought, this is one intense game. Mandem did not come to play.

Just as Key readied himself for his next move, the main building's doors burst open, Sir Remington storming out, making everyone's heads turn towards him.

"I think your classes have - hold on, I forgot there's no classes currently." he begun with a booming, only to falter when he noticed his mishap. The young men snickered, with a faint 'nonce' coming from Sami at the back of the pitch who was the goalie.

"That's quite enough. You should all be in you respective groups and - Mr Gallagher, put that ball down this instant - and not be playing, as you put it, 'a quick round of footie' which seems to have gone over, let's see, forty five minutes. This is absolutely unacceptable. Pack up and inside straight away." he continued sternly, slightly wheezing at the end.

Probably from the countless times Zayn had caught him asking 'you haven't a fag, have you?' from the receptionist. It had shocked Zayn that such a posh git like him knew what those words meant - he always always acting like a stuck up prude.

"In fact, can I have Korain, Majid, Ahmad, Shahzad, Rafael and Marcelo to report to building three as Mr Kelly needs a hand. Chop chop, haven't got all day,"
Sir Rémy added.

Zayn huffed irritably. Fucking great time he chose to interrupt.


"So, Zayn, we were informed by Ahmad that you've a chic." stated Key during their break.

So Ahmad ratted him out, not Shahzad. Unusual.

"Fuck off," muttered Zayn, wanting eat his food.

"Ayy, cmon, don't be like that. This is a first for you," whined Kai. Zayn looked over at him with eyebrows raised. His waves shone in the sunlight, hazel eyes glittering as he shoved a quesadilla into his mouth.

"I know her name. Syra Siddiqi," commented Mabdi. The rest of the boys turned to look at him, while he picked out the tomatoes out of his burger, oblivious. He felt their inquisitive gazes and peeked up from his curls. Seeing their expressions, he continued,

"Oh well I was just chilling with her brother, Ilyas. And man said that he thinks some boy's bothering his sister. Ever since International Day. And then I saw the Tiktoks. Not hard to put two and two together," he went back to pick out the onions. That was Mabdi for you. Short attention span.

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