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'You Are' - GOT7



Zayn slammed his book shut. Enough revision for this week. It was now the beginning of June, so his AS exams had begun. And he had only begun revising in April. He wasn't too concerned though - it was his A Level exams next year that would count. Only colleges made this mandatory. External candidates didn't do AS. Lucky bastards.

Syra seemed different. Her face was more round and glowy. He was glad she had gained a few kilos, she had seemed rather frail when he had met her. Her cheeks were rosy too. Shortly after their nikkah she had begun vomiting out certain foods, craving others at random times.

Now they weren't stupid. They had used no protection the first few times - now they did - and Syra had refused any hormonal contraceptives. He hated the feeling of the condom with all his heart, but theyv went at it like rabbits and he couldn't become a father just yet. And she already had heavy periods so an IUD wasn't ideal. So they resorted to condoms afterwards. But she could be pregnant from the first few times, so she took a pregnancy test shortly afterwards. It came negative but she still ate random stuff.

It wasn't until her period arrived that they could sit in peace. Her period came about a week delayed than usual, but that was probably just her cycle readjusting. They knew one day they would have kids, they wanted a big family and planned out their names, but they were both so young. And they weren't independent. Right now they focused on their education then support themselves financially.

But then her sickness came again in April. They were baffled - how could the pregnancy test be faulty? She had tried three different brands, and they had all been negative. And if she had been pregnant, she would be about six months right now, so she would definitely be showing. Syra refused to go for a scan because she was scared of them being found out. Zayn had disagreed - people over sixteen were permitted to engage in sexual activities. Anyone under that age would be in trouble even if it was consented by both. So she had taken another five more pregnancy tests. Still negative. So they had both decided to tell their mums once the exams were over.

Syra had only recently begun talking to Ilyas again. After that day she ignored him. He didn't even try to talk to her for a bit, he only begun pestering her recently so she gave in. Even then she reminded him to put him in his place. Zayn didn't talk about it to either of them; he didn't think it was his place.

His street fights had also been going smoothly. He had earned a great amount of money, he was sure he would reach his target very soon. But that was only for a house. He also needed money for a decent car and him and Syra's university fees. And still other shit too. He just wanted at least 500k before he quit this and only relied on a legal job.

The increasing money was getting hard to hide - he couldn't just submit large amounts of cash into his account like that. He didn't have no job, so he would just dredge up a story about how his dad spoiled him when handing over the likes at the front. He even wore more expensive clothes and ditched his usual roadman accent for a cockny one. He had accounts in different banks, so not all of it was in one.

Some men from his town had gotten arrested. For drugs and whatnot. His name was given too, but only as an 'acquaintance' of Rafaels. So they had done a urine drug test which he obviously came clean. But then they came back for a hair one, because of some claims the others had brought forward. Yet he still came clean. And he had long gotten rid of his vape pen. He didn't need it anymore as he was no longer feeling the effects of craving nic.

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