735 31 28

'Tempo' - EXO



"How do we know you're not lying?" the man in the middle asked.

It agitated Zayn that he could not see their faces. He knew those voices however.

"Well because you guys know where i cone from so you won't have a problem finding me if I screw up and leg it," Zayn explanined, keeping his face neutral.

The four men looked to each other and nodded.

"Come tomorrow evening," the one on the far left said. Zayn was sure he hadn't heard this voice before.

"Right," Zayn slapped his knee and stood up, glancing back at them as he left.

Three of them had tried to shank him and drugged him, who knows what else they might try.


"Can I come?" asked Syra.

Zayn was getting ready to go back to those guys. He probably had a fight today. Or maybe just going to see how things work. He didn't know, but best be prepared for anything. They weren't from his town so he was on his own now. But also was an advantage in some angles.

Zayn didn't even need to think about his response,

"Absolutely not," he said, wondering why she was even asking.

"I've been before. I can disguise myself. And they won't know me now," Syra explained hopefully.

"Syra, remember what Rafael told me," Zayn tried not to let agitation show.

"Please, Zayn. I can't just sit here while you go and be possibly beaten to a pulp - not that I think you are incapable or anything - but still," she reasoned, looking at him with her emerald eyes wide.

Fuck my life. She was melting him into a puddle right there. When Zayn didn't reply immediately, Syra knew she won and cheered, running off to go get ready.

Man. I lucked out.


Ducking under the low bridge, Zayn walked down the steps on the side path next to the small canal, gripping onto Syra's hand and keeping her close. The steps were slightly damp which made them slippery, but this route had to be taken because the only other route to their destination was on the main road and they couldn't risk that. He remembered when this area use to be full of life; boat restaurants, boat rides, cafes and such. It had been known as the mini Thames because of how many people frequented it, and the murky resemblance of the water. During the harsh winter, people stayed home, so the increasing gangs took over and that was that. Now the water had become a dumpster, all the colour and fun drained from everything. A faint odour emanated from the water; Zayn was sure his clothes now would carry that smell.

"What would this place even provide for them?" muttered Syra, stepping over a pile of dirty rags.

"They can chase their opps over here. They work together in one area and station certain people at certain areas before they go to someone, so they can chase them here. No one would see them stab or mug their victim, and the water? They either dump stuff in there or burn them if they can and toss the ashes here. Barely any evidence. But you know our police, won't interfere with gang business." Zayn elucidated.

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