Part 1

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This story was requested by @Hiddlestoner-14, so enjoy!! Just adding that this chapter is more of a how everything started.

Alex Kestine, 250 year old vampire-werewolf alpha hybrid, yup that about sums it up. I like to think about myself as the other hybrid but obviously like most cliches, no one knows that I am a hybrid, not even my own beta who is the only one to know that I'm a alpha.

I look 19, my parents? both were werewolves but are deceased. I was found by Alpha Felix, he could smell that I was a werewolf but since I wouldn't shift infront of him, things happened. He was abusive overall but to me, everything was worse. His daughter, Rachael had been mated to a boy a met, Leah Basher but he didn't love her.

Alpha Felix tried to kill us so I made a break the second I could, considering that I've been tortured and abused for a few years. I saved Leah that same night, he had heart problems and well I bit him because I thought he was going to attack me. The bite took and he became my beta as well as my friend and took on the role of 'older' overprotective brother.

I claimed to be 19 and since we both are on the run from the abusive, murderous alpha we ran through many cities, towns, woods, etc but I never thought that I'd end up at the one place my parents promised to never visit again, Beacon Hills.

Me and Leah just arrived and booked a room in a very high class apartment downtown from the school. Leah was already sleeping soundly but since I have never been allowed to sleep much I had struggles with it, along with eating and flinching when someones voice is raised or anything in that line, thanks to Alpha Felix....

"Alex, Alex? hey wake up." I heard Leah say lightly and shot up faster than supposed to bumping heads with him. "Sorry?" I lowered my head in shame. Leah hugged me and said: "No, no Its fine. Hey look at me." I slowly looked up. "What did we say?" "Chin up, breathe and find your anchor." we said in unison.

I got up dressed in my usual which consisted of black jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, my black hoodie and normal shoes. It was nothing big, I wasn't most girls which meant the whole 'dress to impress' rule didn't bother me. I just wanted to hide and stay unnoticed, originally I didn't want to go to school since I completed it various times which no one knows, obviously.

Leah and I decided to walk to school and took off so we wouldn't be late. "Leah, can we go over the plan again?" I asked, my anxiety was setting in again which he noticed. "Yea, we stay normal and unnoticed. Being with other teenagers will keep our scents hidden for longer." I nodded and inhaled deeply before walking up to the school.

We arrived in the principals office and signed up. Our first class was with a Mr. Harris who I could sense had a will to teach of 0% but another scent filled my nostrils, werewolf. I looked up at Leah with a worried expression but he seemed to notice the smell as well. My scent was hidden, for obvious reasons, but Leah didn't understand how to so he was an open target.

"Class welcome, mister Basher and miss Kestine." Harris said in a tone which screamed 'help me' I sat down and Leah whispered in a tone that no human ear could hear: "Do you think they noticed?" I mentally facepalmed and whispered in the same tone: "If they didn't they definitely do now."

The class went by quickly but I could definitely sense the presence of the negitsune, Void. Hidden, weak but not dead. Then again the last time I saw him was 237 years ago (when I was 13) before I became a hybrid.

I was so in thought that Leah had to snap me out of my thoughts and lead me to the cafeteria. I proceeded to decline food given to me which Leah only sighed at. We sat down at a vacant table which was away from everyone when I stood up and said: "I'll be back. Bathroom." Leah nodded and I quickly made my way to the bathroom where I drank from my own wrist before healing and walking out.

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