Chapter 32: Afterglow

Start from the beginning

"A job that kept you busy?" he asked. "I'm a job?"

"Don't be silly, the movie job of course, love," you frowned over the posts and messages.

"Let me know if you want me to take a picture with you."


He laughed and said slowly, "Let me know if you want to take a picture. Your fans will love it."

You appreciated the offer, but you weren't sure you were ready for that.

You suddenly feel a larger body behind you eclipsing yours with warmth, and a stubbly chin on your shoulder. "Good morning." He purrs in harmony with the blender.

"Good morning."


"Well, one for how active you will be today." You stop the machine and pour him a glass. "Here."

He takes it and smiles, winking before he downs it with long swallows. You can't help but smile when he licks his lips and doesn't miss anything.

"God you're good at that," you shake your head at him. "Were you a cat in another life?"

He shrugs. "I just don't believe in wasting a drop of something I like." He kisses your forehead, your nose, and your lips. "Off to the races, love."

"Alright," you say. You decide to make the same drink for yourself but not with as many ingredients. You find you like yours a bit sweeter with more fruits. You turn to get some wet kitten food for Luna to find that he had already fed her. You can't help but smile. You load the blender, and again, you are remembering.

"That's it, love, that's it!" Henry pants, his hands on your hips, pulling you back and forth along his length. With your eyes closed, you brace your hands on his shoulders, feeling every inch of him as he intensifies your movements with his own. You ride him hard as the climaxes overtake you, and you both cry out in hard release.

You gasp as he turns you onto your back, surprising you, your bodies still united. He thrusts deep and begins to grind into you gently, teasing and rubbing your cervix with his tip. You nip his shoulder and neck as your hands splay his back, raking it again as you arch then curl toward him, trying to pull him closer by digging into his lower back. He growls, swelling withing you and making you flutter with arousal, and your walls do the same, sucking as he pulses, feeling the knot of seed travel his length inside you both to be released.

His groans are a mix of agony and ecstasy as he nears his climax, his hands tightening on your body, his breath fanning your neck. The hair on his pecs tickle your breasts. You tangle your fingers in his hair with one hand, rake his broad back with the other, your head falling back as your breathing becomes no more than inhaled gasps and exhaled moans.

"Shower yet?"

You are almost startled by him, deep in memory. "No."

"Come on!" He laughs at you. "We've gotta go."

You follow him into the bathroom and he turns on the shower. He helps you in though you don't need it. You try not to watch him, but you like to. He leans his head back and closes his eyes as he lets the water hit him. He wets his hair and then smooths water over him. He grabs a sponge and shower gel and scrubs himself over. You quickly do the same and he turns his back to you. You take the sponge and scrub his back hard. He growls a little, and you chuckle, knowing he likes it. You turn your back to him and he scrubs your back but more in long soothing strokes from shoulder to hip. You smile. He likes it rough, and you like slow and smooth, but firm.

You finally rinse off, and get out to dry and get dressed quickly. Again you treat yourself to glances as you watch him dress. When a guy looks good putting on clothes or taking them off, it's...simply quicken your pace, a little embarrassed. You pull your first layer over your head and feel his hands at your sides as you bring the garment down over you. "Hey!" you laugh, both of you knowing you are ticklish.

"Just helping you," he says, but his eyes spark with humor. He bends down and gently kisses your forehead, and you feel lightheaded. Every now and then it happens, when you don't see it coming and he does something so simple and sweet that you swoon.

You packed your leg pack and backpack last night. Henry already has Luna in the carrier. "Good—"

"You know, she might be old enough to leave here," he tells you.

"Oh, let's leave Kal, too!"

His eyes widen at the comment. "I'm just saying, love. I can leave Kal here, and he'd be alright—"

"She's a baby, still," you reason. "not yet." You watch him sigh, giving a small smile as he shakes his head at you. "What? Let's go."

"Alright," he nods. " As you head for the door, and he throws over his shoulder. "You heard the lady, Kal, let's go."

You are quiet in the truck for a bit, but by the time you get to the gym, you put your hand on his his wrist before he gets out of the car and say, "Six weeks."


"Six weeks, and I'll leave her at home," you sigh, blinking and shaking your head at your own emotions. It is a cat, after all. What has come over you? "I've had pets before, but it's been a long time since I've had one so young. I'm sorry I—"

Henry pulls you in for a quick kiss and rubs your nose with his. "I know, sweetheart, I know. December twelfth, then."

You agree with a nod.

"Alright," He sighs, kissing your forehead. "Let's go, then."

If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now