Layla : Congrats, girl. At least one of us is having his dream boy.

Greer : Yes, babe. Congrats!

Me : Thanks! Gotta go. Bye. Ttyl.

I pocketed my phone as me and Liam had our lunch. I still need to tell mom but she'd kill me if I told her I was engaged over phone. I had to go visit her tonight.

After lunch, Liam dropped me off to my gallery and went off to his work. I was beaming as I went in. The gallery was mostly empty in the afternoon so I didn't have to worry much.

I made my way towards my desk and deposited my purse on the table. I saw Camille walking upto me. She was a partner in my gallery and a photographer as well. Whereas I liked to click portraits, she was into nature.

"Hey. You look happy." She wiggled her brows.

I flashed her my ring and she sucked a breath. "Oh, dear. Congratulations. Lover boy finally proposed."


"So, when's the party?" She hitched her brows.

I shrugged. "We can go out tomorrow. I have to go tell mom tonight about Liam or else she'll kill me."

She giggled. "Sure. Catch you later."

With a wave, she went off.

Okay, back to work.


It was time to close the gallery. Camille and others had already left few minutes ago. I was the one who usually closed everything until Liam came to pick me up. I had already messaged him that we had to go see mom tonight.

I was about to close off the lights when I heard him.

"Miss Johnson."

I turned to stare up into deep blue eyes flecked with hazel. The first two thoughts came into my mind after seeing him; I had never seen him here before; and, he was beautiful.

My eyes took in his jet spiky black hair which were a mess on his head. His hair was the only messy thing about him. Thick brows, a little pale skin, straight nose, thick pink lips with a light stubble and five o'clock shadow. His black suit hugged him perfectly. It was obvious it was custom made. He was tip to toe black, like the devil himself, with no tie and his top buttons opened to reveal his collarbone and flat chest.

I'd love to capture him in my camera.

He cleared his throat and it was then I realized I was staring.


"Uh, yes? I'm sorry...I just..."

He smiled and dimples creased his right cheek. "It's alright."

I smiled nervously, my ring dug into forehead when I ran my hand through my hair. His nostrils flared at my gesture and I was taken aback for a moment but then he smiled again.

"I'm Christian Pierce. I invest in stock marketing." He held out his hand.

"Very nice to meet you, Mr. Pierce." I shook his hand. His skin was hot, unlike his eyes which seemed cold, like a winter storm.

The Maddest ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now