happy ending aren't always in fairy tales

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(A/N, ok... this is the last chapter people! I know this isn't going to be tied with a neat bow, this is going to be written vary badly but it's written. its an ending. it's kinda funny in a way, the only thing that doesn't change is that change is enviable as is endings everything must end eventually. I'm learning that the slow way. ok, I promised myself I wouldn't ramble.)

when Leo opens his eyes, finding himself in his bed. he doesn't remember coming up from the tunnels, but he does remember his panic attack. subconsciously he rubs his wrists together- a nervous habit he never could stop. the cabin door opens, Nyssa walking in, Will on her heels. He knows immediately that she'd been the one to bring him up from the tunnels, and that she'd more likely then not seen his scars.

she stops at the foot of his bunk asking "when was the last time you slept?" Leo inwardly grimaces, he honestly doesn't remember but he knows better then to tell Nyssa that. he answers "just a minute ago." Nyssa gives him a warning glare. but he doesn't back down, forcing a grin on his face for good measure. He can't risk letting her start talking- or worse asking questions.

she just gives him a worried look before nodding to Will and leave the cabin muttering something about rounding everyone up for lunch. Will smile as he sits down on one of the trunks at the foot of the bunk saying "your siblings are worried, and with what they've told me, so am I."

Leo knows where this is going, but he doesn't know Will, he doesn't know how to distract him so he leaps out of bed, opening his arms wide as if giving the world a giant hug saying loudly "well, you've got nothing to worry about, cuz the Super Sized Mcshizzle is awesome!" Will doesn't look impressed, only concerned and slightly constipated. then his expression changes, Leo felt a building anxiety as the blonde's expression becomes unreadable he fallows his gaze as his shirt sleeve rode up, exposing his wrist. his scars.

the fire user swallows the lump forming in his throat, quickly dropping his arms and hastily pulling at his sleeves. mentally begging the healer to forget about it. but he doesn't asking carefully "Leo, are those what I think they are?" he opens his mouth to speak but all that comes out is "uh, well.. uhm- hmm, you see- uh...." giving the healer a pain filled smile as his anxiety turns into pure panic as he turns and runs into the tunnels, hitting the button to close the doors behind him.

he knows that Will can go to Nyssa and he'd be screwed either way. They'd think he's weak, broken, unreliable. so in a last resorts he prays "uhm, I don't know how this works but I could really use some help, Hera?" there's a flash of white light and then the goddess herself stands a few feet away from the workbench where Annabeth's computer still sits, chocked full of glitter.

wincing at the sight he turns his attention back to Hera who says "hello, Leo. I see you've gotten yourself into a tad bit of trouble..." the fire user sighs in disbelief mentally kicking himself for calling on her. Though in his defense he didn't think she'd really show up.

she asks "well? would you like my help or not?" knowing he doesn't have another choice he asks "what's the catch?" she smiles despite his undertone tone of anger.

"will you do anything?" he stares at her in disbelief answering in a ridiculing tone "no! I'm not going to blindly agree to do anything!" the goddess frown saying in a condescending tone "fine, let them catch you, question you, try to 'cure' you, let them be like everyone else who found out about your little secret." the panic resurfaces, clouding the back of his mind.

He knows he doesn't have another choice, he says "ok, ok, ok, I'll do anything you ask! just make them forget!" she smiles pleased as she says "swear on the Styx." swallowing the already bubbling regret says "I swear on the Styx." she nods with a smile saying close your eyes.

he knows never to question that and immediately does. the flash of white light shines and when he reopens his eyes shes gone and the computer is fixed.

Thalia grimaces at the memory as it fades the screen goes black ad white bold writing says 'the end. talk and I'll let you go.' from the looks of the things and Leo himself, it was only a few months old. he was so desperate to run from his past that he was willing to make a deal with the Queen of the gods herself. is that really how little he trusts them?

her heart clenches at the thought. she didn't like him in the beginning but he grew on her, like he's her annoying younger brother. she may not have known him well, but watching this? she feels like this will be a fresh start, and it helps that he's bi. this can be a fresh start for not only their friendship but every ones.

Leo isn't sure how to feel about all of this. the whole can of worms has been opened and poured out onto a plate for everyone to eat. Leo says "it's over. now you know everything. Maya, Logan, the houses, case workers, foster parents, foster siblings. everything, even my name."

Jason says to him "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I may not remember but my door is open." Leo feels a pang of guilt. Jason feels bad for something he doesn't even remember. Leo flashes him a smile. because even if his personal life has just been shown and his privacy invaded, this is the most anyone has ever known about him. and they aren't judging him for it.

Annabeth says "thank you, Leo." now this catches him off guard and he asks "for what?" and the blonde girl smiles softly "for everything. I never noticed just how much you care and that's on us, not you." Leo doesn't really agree with this but to avoid any conflict he agrees with a small nod. Annabeth isn't one to admit she doesn't know something.

Nico offers softly "if you want to talk to them, then let me know. I can summon the dead." Leo can feel heat rise to his cheeks and says gratefully "ok. thank you." Nico just nods with a look of indifference, yet Leo notices a faint blush.

then a flash of white shines on the screen and Hara's voice says "close your eyes." and none of them dare disobey, a flash of white light shines quickly and they open their eyes, Hara standing in front of them, she asks "do you understand now?"

Hazel asks calmly, "understand what? why your doing this or understand Leo?" Hara pinches her nose with a tired sigh before looking up and saying "both. I did this for Leo-"said demigod snorts amusement and disbelief clear on his face. he asks "how does invading my memories and privacy help you in anyway beyond entertainment?"

Hara looks at him in annoyance saying sternly "you disrespect me, queen of the gods one more time..." Leo rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything more, and Hara continues "because, I trained you for years. you have the chance for the first time to have a home, a real family and I wasn't going to watch all my work go to waste due to your mistrust or your comrades ill treatment."

Leo still doesn't say anything but his pursed lips and intense stare making his opinion clear. but none the less Hara looking pleased with herself allows the theater and chains to fade and they all collapse onto the Poseidon cabins floor. Piper and Jason immediately rushing over and tackling Leo into bear hugs. Thalia laughing patting Leo's head best she can as he's pinned on the floor by his best friends.

(ok. it's over. that's the end, curtains closed.

thank you for reading this, I know I'm not great but I hope it wasn't too horrid.

anyway, drink water, eat veggies, sleep, touch grass and know that you are loved. I hope you have a wonderful day/night.

goodbye. ~Rowan Morgan Harbour.)

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