trading in the good people for the monsters cuz that's a good idea.

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(A/N, dear gods I'm stupid! ok, I dropped my phone and it broke so now I can't read and I have to wait a week to get a new one cuz that's cheaper then getting it fixed! and I can live without it, but it's just weird cuz normally if I lose one electronic I lose all of them so being able to write but not read is fucked up.)

he just got done explaining his story for the seventeenth time this morning alone. after he told the doctor he let Leo go back to sleep, using his real name this time, and then the next morning was given breakfast and then had to start the explanations, policeman first.

once he finished speaking the officer opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by Hector, saying "uh, Leo's got a visitor." the confusion is clear on his face, Hector says "your social worker-" Leo immediately interrupts him asking "Cadenza?" Hector nods as the officer shows herself out.

Cadenza steps in and Hector leaves. but she doesn't seem herself, she seems worried and sad. Leo asks "what's wrong?" but the question doesn't help, she sits down in the empty chairs and says "I'm being removed from your case, I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now." the blunt pain in her voice makes Leo's heart clench, he's heard it before in his mom's when she talked about being able to work for good money, or when talking about his father.

pressing her lips together she says "someone else will be taking over your case..." her voice trails off as if trying to decide her next words, her eyes cloud over with tears, as she begins to speak. "my dad was in the system, he told me about the things that happened to him. I swore when I grew up that I would save children from the pain..." a single tear traces it's way down her face, the pained expression on her face made him want to get up and hug her, to crack a joke but he has a feeling that it was to inappropriate of a time.

this wasn't his mom, she wouldn't understand why he's making jokes at such a time. she saves him from doing either by speaking "I never thought I'd ever encourage this of a child, but if you see a potential of a repeat of this." she pauses to jesters around the room before continuing, "then you don't call this person, you run as far away as possible. he is dangerous and will kill you." he opens his mouth to ask what she meant, to ask why she's being replaced but she raises her hand for silence.

he resists the strong urge to flinch. in that moment the door opens and she quickly wipes away the tear, standing and she greets courtly "Homer. I was just saying my goodbyes." he narrows his eye in suspension but doesn't say anything, as she walks past him and down the hall. Homer walks up to the foot of Leo's bed and says "hello, Elliot." Leo doesn't respond, his skin crawls at the man's cold voice as he desperately wishes for Cadenza to come back. suddenly he feels smaller and a lot more scared.

Homer seems to sense this and says "she's not coming back, Elliot." Leo whispers "my name is Leo." his eyes narrow and he grabs Leo's ankle and squeezes his pressure point asking "what was that, Elliot?"

Leo bits his inner cheek to keep from whimpering in pain, but his lack of response only makes Homer's grip tighten and Leo yelps "nothing!" he let Leo's ankle go with a pleased smile.

the group all glare at the screen as if it killed their puppy in front of them, though it kind of did. Leo steals a glance at Nico who gives a small nod like 'your still here and alive, good job' Leo nearly laughs at this.

all though it's weird seeing his own memories, he is trying to think of it like a movie, not his own life. pressing him lips into a fine line he takes a deep breath and rolls his shoulders, trying to relieve some of the tension.

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