protecting and lashing out.

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(A/N, ok, so I've had a weird day. no going to get into it rn but dam! anyway, hope you all have had or will have a wonderful day.)

Leo clenches his jaw, a look of pure panic on his face, Mrs. and Mr. Mathews continue shouting at each other, throwing random objects across the room as well. but that's not Leo's concern at the moment, it's the small form of Maya he's kneeling over who's on the floor of her bright pink room shaking and twitching uncontrollably, he has no idea what's causing this or what to do.

he quickly turns to Mr. Mathews but he quickly kicks Leo in the gut shouting indistinctly. Mr. Mathews goes to kick Maya but Leo throws himself at him, he can't let him hurt her, especially when she's like this.

punching Mr. Mathews in the throat and then kicking him where the sun shouldn't shine, but he was ready for this and grips Leo's Curly hair, and slams him into the wall. knocking the air out of Leo's lungs, Leo claws at his face, kick frantically Leo manages to get on of his legs, then Leo grabs a near-by 'my little pony' lamp and bashes him over the head with it and the lamp brakes, but Leo's not done, he grabs Mr. Mathews' button up and begins punching him over and over, screaming incoherently.

Mrs. Mathews rushes into the room and begins trying to pry him off her husbands unconscious body. he catches a glance at Maya's now still form and immediately switches from blindly attacking the abuser to protective older brother, ignoring Mrs. Mathew screeching at him he grabs Maya gently and carefully carries her into the living room and out of the house, deciding to 'barrow' the car placing her in the back seat and begins driving her to the hospital.

Annabeth, for the first time in a long time doesn't know what to think, or say for that matter. she turns to ask Leo 'what the hades?!' but she knows the answer will be 'wait and watch' but she doesn't like this kind of waiting.

she wants to know what happened to her little sister, why she was having a seizure? why would the Mathews be that violent? why hasn't Leo run away yet? what happened to her little sister? why hadn't Leo told her about her? why has Leo kept this all a secret?

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