memories can be the greats thing or the worst.

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(A/N, you guys, I have other stories that I spent years writing. this one is getting all the attention and I put zero thought into the story, structure, and timeline. I love that people are reading this, and I greatly appreciate it, I do, but feel slightly frustrated about it. I feel angry and upset at other things in my life that I'm not allowed to be mad and I've been thinking unhealthy thoughts more then normal, I'm sacred of myself cuz I don't want to fall back down that rabbit hole. ok I'm sorry I got off track... have a wonderful night or day.)

a few hours later they carted his body away, cops had to hold Leo back as they pried Logan's body out of his arms.

a week later they came and took all his things away, Leo wasn't allowed to keep anything despite his arguing.

three days later they find two new students to replace Logan and someone else who went on a failed shooting spree.

a knock on the door jogs Leo out of his deep depersonalization and depressing thoughts. he doesn't get up to answer it, just mumbles an "it's open." after a few seconds of muffled talking the door opens and one of the teachers and a boy around 14 or 15 steps into the room, he reminds Leo of a blond Superman.

thankfully nothing like Log- his other roommate. the teacher says smugly "this is Jason. your new roommate, don't even try anything." while Jason has a look of confusion on his face from the sudden firm warning, but Leo knows exactly what the teacher meant- 'you aren't allowed to date him.' the realization hit his heart like a ton of bricks, but more importantly, angry bricks.

the feeling of boiling rage fills his chest, he gets up off his bed and his face goes expressionless, but his eyes gives away a murderous glisten in his amber eyes. his posture tense, shoulders square, back straight as he begins to walk over to the smug teacher. he is just about to raise his arm to deck the teacher when a feeling of shame settles in the pit of his stomach.

he's spent what, three weeks, a month here? and he's going to give up the one place that hasn't beaten him bloody, starved and tormented him, for what? a snide comment? why is he getting mad about this? so instead he tries to act calm, rationally. he says in the best even voice he could "I won't."

turning to face Jason, now planning to completely ignore the now irked teacher says to Jason forcing out as much positive energy as he doesn't have "hey man! I'm Leo, I guess we're roomies now huh?" Jason looks like he just got whiplash but plays along saying "Jason, and yeah, I guess so. nice place." Leo grins and the teacher huffs and shoves some papers into the blonde's arms and storms out, slamming the door.

immediately Leo's grin drops and his posture falls. Jason asks hesitantly "uh, so what just happened?" Leo rolls his eyes saying "Teach just be'n an asshole. anyhow, that's the kitchen, bathroom, and obviously, bedroom, I've got the bed on the right so you get the left one."

Leo points as he talks, first to the small open kitchen area and then the closed door by the mini-refrigerator and then to the back of the room the two beds on opposite sides of the room. Leo then walks over to his and then faceplants onto it leaving Jason looking slightly befuddled.

Jason stares at the screen with the same expression from the memory, and says mindlessly "I don't remember any of that..." Percy looks between him, Piper who also looks confused and then Leo, watching Jason's expression with a pained one.

then it hits him, from what Jason and Annabeth has told him, Leo, Piper and Jason were friends. but it was fake, just fake memories, Jason and Piper doesn't remember anything, but Leo does. Leo remembers everything, every person that's ever wronged him. Leo remembers, and that just might be the most painful thing that could happen to him.

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