alone, cold, malnourished, guarded, and starved.

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(A/N, ok, so I see a few people are reading this, so please tell me if you see bad sentience structure, grammar and other things. and on this same thing, what do you think about there being Lecio? I'm a big shipper but I'm considering writing another book with Leico but how do you feel about it being in here too? let me know.)

Leo sits curled up and shivering in an empty and filthy alleyway. his hair has grown longer and curlier. his bones stick out more, his cheeks and eyes more sunken in and his skin paler and more translucent. but that's a bit hard to tell at first glance due to the amount of dirt and filth.

but the most noticeable change would be his eyes, before they were like a fire, full of life, even when his mother died the life was still there but now? they were empty, hallow and dull, like embers about to go out.

Leo takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes, the stained green tee shirt hanging off his boney shoulders doesn't even move. a fleeting moment of calm seems to cross his face but the sound of sirens quickly sets him on edge. sitting up, he slings a small Captain America backpack over his shoulder and climbs up the fire escape.

sure enough less then five minutes later a police car pulls up and two officers climb out with flashlights shining into the dark alley. they cover their noses at the stench of garbage and rotting food.

one says "like some kid would willingly live in this place." the other nods in agreement saying "yeah, no shit." Leo clenches his jaw, trying to slow his breath and presses himself further against the side of the building.

they shine the flash lights right bellow him, a few feet higher and they would have seen him. after a few more minutes and complaints later they get into the car and leave.

sighing in relief he climbs back down and out of the alleyway, if the police thought he was there then he shouldn't be anywhere near there.

walking down a series of alleys he eventually finds a sewer drain pipe. disgusting and nauseating yes, but he doubts anyone would be willing to go near a place that smells worse then hells ass crack.

most of them make faces at seeing the state of the places Leo found himself in. but Rayna's more worried about how thin and sickly Leo looks, glancing over he doesn't look much better now, still skinny, paler then normal, and near translucent, sunken in cheeks and eyes from malnutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiency.

she inwardly grimaces at the resemblances to then and now, because then, he didn't have access to food or proper care but now that he does, he doesn't use it. "why?" she accidently says out loud. they look at her questioningly as she quickly explains the one word question, they look at him with an odd mix of worry and curiosity.

he seems to curl into himself at the sudden attention, he mumbles out "it'll be answered with the memories." after a few heart beats everyone seems to realize that he wasn't going to tell them and that staring wasn't helping anything.

(A/N, ok so now I feel depressed. I accidentally clicked on a vary depressing vid when trying to find music sad enough to be reflected in my writing and now I need to find cat videos or memes to help cleanse my mind of depressing thoughts...)

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