the scars inflicted onto my skin is nothing compared to the ones in my head.

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(A/N, so I have no idea what to write but I do know that I'm going to be finishing this up, and I'm torn in between writing a marvel fic or a PJO fic or another crossover. please let me know what you think? oh and I have another account that I'm locked out of but I have a story on there that I'm willing to do a prequel to. just let me know.)

this time it's just flashes of them being cute together, cuddling, cooking, holding hands under tables, talking.

the short clips slow to a stop to when Logan asks Leo as he's changing shirts "what happened to you? you don't talk about anything before you came here." Leo's body goes ridged but he says nothing as he pulls a gray tee shirt over his head. taking a few steps back before letting himself fall into the bad. staring at his hands for what feels like hours.

but eventually he whispers "it was hell." he could feel Logan's eyes burning holes in his scull. swallowing hard he stands again, and takes his shirt off, and begins "cigarette." pointing to circle like scars on his ribs.

"belt." turning and pointing to gash like scars on his lower back.

"kitchen knife." pointing to what looks like someone stabbed him in the side. as he turns he points to the smaller exit wound from the tip of the blade.

"gun." he points to one on his arm.

"barb wire." he turn and points to a long spiral like scar wrapping from his shoulder blade down his back and wrapping around to his stomach. he stops when he notices Logan looks nauseous and like he's about to cry.

Leo immediately kneels down in front of him asking "hey, what's wrong?" Logan looks Leo in the eye and asks "how can you be so calm about this? those scars..." Leo sighs, then Logan grabs his wrists gently turning them, and Leo freezes.

horizontal white scars and then a vertical fallowed by another set of horizontal scars. his suicide attempt. Leo doesn't say anything as he holds his breath waiting for Logan's reaction- for him to yell, for him to turn on Leo and revel that it's all a prank, that he never cared about Leo.

but Logan brings Leo's wrist to his lips and kisses each scar gently and says "you are beautiful. kind. worth every moment. worth every breath. you matter if not to yourself then to me." Leo let's out a relieved breath and whispers "thank god."

Logan gives a gentle smile, releasing Leo's wrist and pulls his sleeves up showing his own self harm scars saying "how could I judge you for something I've done?" Leo doesn't grab his wrist, only stands a little and hugs him.

he's not good at words like Logan but showing his feelings other ways? yeah, you could say he's good at that. Leo whispers into his hair "you are loved." yet he couldn't help but feel that his foster parents were right, no one could ever truly love him without dying.

Nico runs his fingers over his own scars on his arms, carefully concealed from prying eyes with a fine amount of concealer from the Aphrodite cabin and long sleeve shirt. if he's being honest?

he would have killed himself if it wasn't for Leo seeming to crack jokes and treat him like a living being at all the right times. he couldn't help but be grateful for all the shit Leo has gone though because it's made him kind, and stronger then he will ever realize. a soft smile makes it's way onto his face.

(A/N..... ok I know that I've said the whole 'I'm sorry, don't kill me' thing it isn't he past but this time it's my computer's fault and not mine, for some reason it just doesn't turn on, and I charge it daily. anyway hope you all like this.)

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