Remembering the Old

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I'm back everyone! Good news! I've been cured of my cold so I can get back to uploading regularly! 😌This story will require 2 boxes of tissues next to you so get ready!
                                   Harumi's POV

I now, run back to Lloyd. I hold his hand as I burst into tears all over again.

I look behind me too see the few soldiers left from battle. Lloyd's friends surround me, they're faces filled with sorrow.

"Oh Lloyd," Nya cries.

"Buddy....." Kai states as silent tears run down his tanned face.

Jay steps up.

"D-does anyone want t-to say a few w-words?" He asks in between sniffles.

"Y-ya," I start but I immediately break down into tears.

I do my best to rub them away but more just keep pouring out. I ignore them and clear my throat.

"Lloyd was so much to everyone. He was a friend, a son, a warrior, a student, my special friend and a kind, giving soul," I start. I have to stop myself from breaking out into tears and crying my heart out all over again.

"In his short time here on Earth, he was kind, smart, cute, giving, and just. He always put others before himself. He was an amazing person that we all do or should look up too," I smile kindly.

I now look out to the big crowd of people in black, in front of Lloyd's coffin at the area where the barrier used to be, where he wanted to be.

"I still see him. Either in my dreams or his beautiful smile in the sunny parts of puddles. No matter where he is, he will always be with us," I smiles as i grab the clothe on a fairly large object.

I then, pull off the cover.

"This is the monument of The Great Lloyd," I announce as I start to choke on my tears all over again at those words.

I miss him so much.

"This monument is based off of Lloyd's great sacrifice for both realms. This statue is made up of Jade and Gold only. This is to show that he wore a suit of green but had a heart of gold," I smile lovingly as I look out to the crowd.

They all start clapping and I bow my head lowly to show my respect and so that they don't see the glistening tears streaming down my pale face.

Omg! That came out a lot sadder than I thought it would! 😫😭🥺 Im sorry. Also, if you didn't get it, halfway through, when she is saying that there is people dressed in black, there's a transition from the battle to the funeral. I hope that made sense. Regardless, this book is almost done and I'll see you all next time.

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