Chapter 28

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Yubin POV

"Uncle Jungkookie! Look at Mr. Paca! He's wearing a suit just like you!" Suyeon excitedly exclaimed, shoving the alpaca in Jungkook's face.

He chuckled, scooping her up in his arms, "Is that so? Mr. Paca has taste."

Seokjin and I had decided to bring the girls with us to the press conference since we didn't have anyone to watch them. It was hard to sneak in but we had done so without getting caught by cameras.

Even though the other CEOs were not participating, they showed up for support and to help babysit the girls while Seokjin and I spoke our truth.

Jimin delicately took Yujin out of my arms, cradling her against his chest and softly bouncing her so she didn't cry.

The others were quick to surround to two of them and make silly faces to distract them while Seokjin and I quietly slipped away.

Yujin hated being separated for long, so it was best to leave quietly and then come back.

Seokjin's hand never left mine as we made our way to the center stage where everything was being set up.

The reporters were already in their seats, awaiting his family to come out and make the first remarks.

All we could do was sit off-stage until it was our time to talk. I didn't actually have to address much aside from formally denying all the rumors. But Seokjin was handling everything for the most part.

In the audience, I easily found Haerim who was eagerly checking out everything like a kid in a candy store.

This was her first major event, and she really thought she had made it. Little did she know what was in store.

"Seokjin! Yubin!" A familiar voice called.

Jaehwan came from behind, placing a comforting hand on both of our shoulders.

We had actually already watched the footage that Seokjin was given and had confirmed that it was all the evidence we needed. Jaehwan with this had already drafted a formal statement to sue her for a pretty large chunk of money.

But we wanted to publicize it so that it would finally put everything to rest. We were only playing her game. Can't hate the player...hate the game.

Everyone quieted down as Seokjin's extended family came out to the podium. They were dressed in high-end outfits that really commanded authority and business-like. It truly was their whole life. It's a shame that they couldn't let that go even for a moment. Maybe we could've been closer then. But that was no longer an opportunity we had.

"Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for the reporters here for joining us on such short notice. And thank you to everyone watching us live at home."

The reporters respectfully applauded before readying their questions and cameras on them.

"The reason for this conference was a bit last minute as we weren't really sure what we wanted. I'm sure all of you are aware of us as we've been in the news for a while in regards to the private interview we had. We talked about the future of Kim United and how we wanted to really bring it back to its glory days. Which still stands true. When it was started, it was geared to take over the world, and we desired to take that for ourselves when we had the chance. We were sure we could do it."

Seokjin unconsciously put his hand in mine, searching for a bit of comfort. I ran my thumb over his knuckles, gently squeezing his hand for an energy zap.

"In hindsight, we were more greedy than we let on. And we clearly see our error now. We were motivated by power and money and in turn, we did a lot wrong. Now that my husband and I are too old to manage the company and our daughter would rather go onto live her own dreams, we realized that this company simply wasn't meant for us in the first place. So with that, we are here to formally announce that we are giving up all our rights to the company."

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