Chapter 8

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Yubin POV

I felt Seokjin's strong arms hook under my arms and gently lift me off of the chair.

"Jinnie~ I'm working here," I whined.

"You can work in my arms. That is the sacrifice you make for stealing my heart," he teased.

I rolled my eyes, getting comfortable on his lap, "You're so cheesy."

"Whatever it takes to make your heart flutter," he grinned.

Oh he knew what he was doing. Always a skilled player in the game of teasing.

All I was doing was drafting up the roster for the gala of those who had RSVP'd. There was still time for more people to sign up, but getting a head start would be a load off of my plate.

"I'm surprised your family hasn't tried to make an appearance," I remarked, skimming the list of families and companies.

Seokjin scoffed, "Let's keep it that way. No need for them to cause a scene as usual. It will be plenty more enjoyable and charitable without them scrutinizing everyone for the causes they donate to."

They were still a sore topic for both of us and were never talked about in a good light, but I felt bad because they were still Seokjin's family. If they got out of their egos for once, maybe they could form a relationship with the kin of their deceased relatives who once shared a close bond with them.

But they were too cutthroat for that to even consider it.

I worked in silence, quietly listening to Seokjin ramble on which of the guests he knew and liked and which ones he absolutely despised. It was very entertaining to hear about how some of these companies offered him awful deals to scam him were now willingly volunteering.

Then again, bigger causes typically bring people together, regardless of their prior history. At least that's what I liked to believe.

"This is boring~ can't we do something else," he whined.

"The girls are sleeping so I'm taking the opportunity to get some work in," I huffed.

"That's exactly my point. The girls are sleeping, so let's have some 'us' time," he groaned with a playful undertone.

"You type in the last three names and then we'll have all the 'us' time we want," I bargained.

He grumbled behind me, but took the opportunity to wrap his arms around my body even more to get to the keyboard.

He was being cheeky with how he held me, but I didn't mind if it meant being in his hold, and him doing my work for me.

He pressed fleeting kisses against my shoulder while absentmindedly typing. It was obvious where his focus was. Again, I didn't mind.

"Okay done. Now let's go. I've got plans for us," he devilishly flirted.

I was about to go with him when something else dawned on me.

"Wait shoot. There was one more thing I had been meaning to do, but I never found time," I said.

"Ugh seriously? Baby~ you just said-" he complained.

"I know, I know. I promise it won't take long. Just a quick google search," I swore.

I pulled my handbag off of the chair beside me and searched for the well-made business card that the suspicious reporter had handed me the other day.

To be honest, I totally forgot about her, but it had been on my mind to research her blog.

Northstar Entertainment. Sounded more like a company for idols rather than a news source, but to each there own.

"What's that?" Seokjin asked curiously.

"Nothing important really. Just checking something," I hummed.

I didn't find it very important or urgent at first. I thought it'd be any old upstart entertainment gossip site stirring up drama as they always do. That was what my assumption was at least.

But clicking on the website link led to a virtually blank blog page. All that appeared on the sight was the name of the blog, but otherwise it was a completely white screen. Nothing about the founder, authors, or anything.

"Seems underdeveloped whatever it is. If people are going to start a gossip site they could at least make it appealing," Seokjin huffed.

But that was just it. It shouldn't have been this underdeveloped. Putting the context of when Yujin was born, if that was in fact the same reporter I saw, she had a camera team with her. Meaning that she was getting content at least six months prior to this.

So either she was uploading it somewhere else, or there was something else going on that wasn't clicking.

Intrigued by this mystery, I went to a bunch of different social media websites and punched in the handle or similar things around the handle.

"Aren't you reading into it too much?" Seokjin questioned.

Nothing. Nothing came up that was related to this website. I checked the business card and it was in fact the same link written down.

"How bizarre..." my voice trailed off.

"Honey, what's going on?" Seokjin asked again.

"Nothing really, I think at least. A few days ago this reporter approached me when I was leaving work. She said she worked for an independent blog and wanted a private interview with you and I to clear the air about some rumors. I politely shut her down but took her card. I wanted to do some digging, but there's nothing. But if I remember correctly, I saw her when Yujin was born with a full fledged camera team. So I don't understand why her blog doesn't have a single article or write up," I explained.

"A reporter you say?" Seokjin seemed to adjust.

"Yeah, why?"

"A reporter approached me a few days ago too. A woman. I shut her down quickly before she even told me what she wanted. I didn't think anything of it but now that you mention it, maybe it's the same person," he theorized.

"It very well could be considering she wanted to meet with both of us. Her name was like Yoon something. Yoon Haerim I think. She said she knew you, does it ring a bell?" I asked.

He let out an agitated chuckle, "Slightly."

"Some old ex or something," I shrugged nonchalantly. His exes really didn't bother me. What we did in the past was our own business. No point getting upset over something stupid.

"Not even close. She-"

But before he could finish his thought, another figure barreled into the room.

Suyeon had awoken from her nap and was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, instantly bowling for us.

"Hold that thought."

I set the laptop aside, scooping the sleepy girl into my arms so she was straddling me.

"Hello my sleepy princess~ did you sleep well?" I cooed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.

She nodded slowly, thumping her still sleepy head against my chest.

Seokjin chuckled deeply behind me, admiring the sight in front of him that he was so blessed to witness.

"Suyeon, let's make a mommy sandwich hmm? Give her a nice big hug," Seokjin playfully suggested.

Despite her grogginess, she was always quick to comply with her father. The two of them hugged me tightly, squeezing me into a Yubin sandwich.

I held Suyeon securely while Seokjin tightened his grip on me. Eventually the three of us settled into the right embrace sharing nothing but the silence of our love for each other.

Though a pin had been put in the matter, it was far from over. I had a gut feeling it was a little more than an overzealous reporter we were dealing with.

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