Chapter 12

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What was one of the worst feelings in the world? A feeling that just makes you dread everything. Truly a terrible feeling.

It's being woken up. Trust me. Being in the middle of an amazingly cinematic dream and then the creak of a possible demon wakes you up early. Or the cry of a hungry child. Or the endless ping of notifications form your phone. Or needing to pee badly. Or waking up because you're sick.

Waking up in general was a struggle. But being forced awake was pure torture.

The incessant dings of my phone sounded early in the morning like an emergency siren, forcing my dream about going on a beach getaway to abruptly end.

I wanted to ignore it and go back to sleep but it was endless.

Seokjin who had been cuddling me groaned and turned around.

"Honey...turn it off," he grumbled groggily.

I usually left my ringer on in case of work emergencies, but even I agreed that this was immensely annoying. Especially since Yujin had a rough night, I needed to scrape up every last minute of sleep I could afford.

So I rolled over, slightly opening my puffy eyes to turn the ringer off. But as I did, my phone automatically turned on due to its feature, so I was able to see all the notifications.

And instead of loads of text messages and emails like I thought it was, it was a bunch of news links. I had a bunch of news apps downloaded for both work and Seokjin so we could monitor any sort of conflict that sprung up.

I didn't think much of it, especially since I was sleepy and could barely read what it said, but one headline I glossed over jerked me awake.

"Kim Suyeon makes her first media debut"

I jumped upright, taken aback by the title. What? What did this even mean?

I clicked on the link, getting taken to a Dispatch article. My heart dropped into my stomach at what I saw. The first thing when you clicked on the article, plastered for the world to see, was a picture of Suyeon playing with Taehyung and Luna. It was a clear cut photo of her face put on blast for the internet.

Seokjin had turned back to face me, placing an arm over my lap as he beckoned me to come back and sleep.

"Sleep love~" he whined sleepily.

"S-Suyeon," my voice wavered.

I clicked on the other articles by various entertainment sights.

"CEO Kim and his wife exposed in new anonymous post"
"Are the Kim's fit to be parents?"
"Meet the heir of the Kim Group"

"Seokjin...wake up. Honey wake up," I whimpered helplessly.

Alarmed by the feeble tone, he got up quickly, turning on the light beside me as he instantly scooted closer to me. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into him.

"What happened love? Is everything okay?"

I shoved my phone in his face, hoping that he who had power and influence could do something.

Skimming through all the articles, the general storytelling they had woven was that Seokjin and I had been spotted at various times including work where we were mobbed, pictures from the park where we had to run away, and the hangout with the others. The articles tried to sugarcoat it by saying how happy and healthy we looked, but they also went about slyly insinuating our irresponsibility to basically light a dumpster fire.

The worst part was Suyeon's face though. How they got that picture, and who took it was completely unknown. But they had essentially doxxed my two-year-old.

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