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act two, scene seven 

"care to explain what is going on here?" tommy crossed his arms. 

"what the hell are you doing here, tommy?" dream spoke his name as if it were filth. 

"oh that's just great," tommy laughed, "you don't know who i am to her?" 

dream's eyebrows furrowed, shifting to the panicking girl. 

"woah, woah, woah, what's happening in here?" 

great. if it was splendid enough to have one of her brothers walking in on her kissing she now had two

"dream, what the fuck are you doing canoodling our sister?" wilbur seethed, catching sight of the situation quickly. 

"sister?" dream said softly, disappointment shattering his soul.

"i though i forbid you to see him ever again," tommy glowered. 

"wait..rewind," wilbur said, "you knew she was seeing him?!" 

"well.." tommy sputtered for a defense. 

"sister?" dream repeated to y/n as the brothers quarrelled. dream had a look painted on his face that would forever haunt her nightmares. disgust was thick in his eyes while his lips frowned in confusion and heartbreak. he looked as if he hated her. she didn't even realize it before then, but it was one of the things she feared most. 

"i-..i'm so sorry dream." 

dream scoffed at her pathetic apology. she was deeply sorry, but she didn't know how exactly to express it. 

her attention was strung back into her brother's conversation as wilbur instructed to the younger, "grab her tommy." 


tommy approached her, anger still feeding into his eyes. as he scooped her up into his arms she made a large effort of escaping with her kicks and screams. tommy did nothing to stop her, merrily holding her as her attempts never worked. the more she persisted the weaker she grew. 

weaker and weaker until the world went black.


pain swallowed y/n as she came to consciousness. her hands went to her head coming to the discovery of the cooling cloth that rested. 

"you might wanna keep that there. from what i heard from tommy and wilbur you should have a splitting head ace." 

y/n nearly jumped at the voice, absent and deprived from her for so long. 

she opened her eyes to make sure it was real. and sure enough a man with shoulder length dusty pink hair sat with his signature grin by her caught. 


"that would be me," he grinned. 

"oh my-where did did..oh you fucker i hope you choke on nails!" 

"not exactly the reaction i was hoping for," techno winced at her threat.

"well what exactly where you expecting after being gone for three years? hmm?" y/n crossed her arms. 

"maybe a hug or a basket of muffins, certainly not this," techno joked. y/n's face stayed still, not in the mood for joking.

"where the fuck are we anyways?" 

"pogtopia," techno answered, "tommy named it of course. it's a little cave for us to shelter away." 

"well why are you here? you haven't made much effort to in the past three years? why now?" y/n asked coldly. 

"family was in trouble," techno shrugged, "so i came." 

"your family has struggled every day since you left," y/n said, "for the first month dad wouldn't get out of bed." 

"i know what i did was fucked up-" 

"fucked up?" y/n laughed, "it was more than fucked up techno. you left your family that only ever loved you with a small note, 'my life is a void absent of adventure. i must seek on the world, i hope you understand. xoxo, technoblade.'" 

techno sighed, "i just needed something new." 

"you had people that needed you. we needed you..i needed you. how could you leave?" 

"there are a million answers i could give you and none of them would be good enough," techno answered truthfully. 

"we would have understood, you didn't have to cut us off completely," y/n sniffed. 

"i wish i had known that," techno admitted, "i have really missed you, gaia." 

"don't call me that," y/n rolled her eyes.

techno gifted the nickname to y/n was she was seven and he read greek mythology stories to her at bedtime. gaia was a goddess that some may argue is the most important because without her there would be no one else. techno always joked that she and y/n were a like in that all their family would be dead without her. the name carried many happy memories which made y/n despise it. because there were not really any happy memories anymore. they were all finger printed with sadness. 

"well it is true," techno cleared his throat, "i have missed you." 

"i've missed you, too," y/n said, her tone less bitter and a small smile tugging at her lips. since the first few seconds the thought hadn't quite processed through her head that techno sat in front of her. techno was always the person she cried to among the brothers. tommy was too young to understand and wilbur was too quickly frustrated to deal with her emotional feelings. so when technoblade left, no one could replace him.

"tommy and wilbur seemed heated when they came back from rescuing you..what hell did you bring? you must tell me, i'm quite disappointed i missed out on it," techno demanded.

y/n grinned, "well it all started when i met this boy.." 


-this happened like two weeks ago and i keep forgetting to write a message, but thanks for 200+ followers<33 

-i do not support schlatt, fundy, techno, minx (she isn't in this book, but still). this is a book of CHARACTERS. you DO NOT get to forgive these people if you weren't in a group targeted by their actions. i wasn't, so i no longer support them. you are not an ally if you have "forgiven them" and are not in the targeted groups. 

-i might start a discord sever so lemme know if your interested:)

-i need more minecraft buddies:((

-also one of my only bounderies is to not make weird comments about the minors in this book by shipping or making sexual jokes. it makes them uncomfortable and me as well:(( there's one comment chain on the second chapter and reading it makes me want to throw up:( it's not that hard to not stay stupid shit.

here are some of my others:

-don't spread personal information about me

-a few trusted people have seen my face and i know they would never spead it, but i'm just saying it here. also a while back i had a stranger things tik tok account with some wattpad friends. i privated the videos where you can see my face. however if you have seen it please do not spread it:((

-no racist, homophobic, transphobic comments 

-you may always dm me about anything just no hate pls 

-be kind to other people in my comments (unless of course they said something fucked up and then by all means go at them with a knife /hj) 

that's all:DD

-everytime i comment "i love you" at the end i get the sweetest comments and they make me want to give you all kisses:)) I LOVE YOU, YOU PRETTY PPL<33

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