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act one, scene two

"definitely the rudest customer i've had in a while," carly chuckled to herself. 

y/n nodded, reaching her tempted fingers out to the bowl of brownie batter. carly swatted her hand away and the girl whined in response. 

"do you want salmonella?" carly quizzed. 

"yes actually," y/n replied, wining the fight with the bowl, happily dipping her fingers into the richness of the batter. 

"i'll make you your own batch without eggs later, so you can eat it. just the batter," carly emphasized the last part. 

"fine," y/n settled, passing her friend back the bowl. 

"oh and hey, when you see wilbur later on can you tell him to come by later? i've selected a few different cake designs for fundy's birthday that i want him to choose from." 


"no?" carly repeated, her face of confusion faded, "uh-oh what happened." 

"we're in a disagreement," y/n explained. 

"was he going on about the egg coming before the chicken thing again?" 

y/n looked up at her friend puzzle, "what? no." 

"then what?" 

"dream's hosting a ball-" 

"so i've heard," carly commented. 

"-and tommy mentioned how it would be great for someone to spy and sooo i offered myself, and wilbur went completely ballistic!" 

carly stayed silent, awkwardly nodding her head. 

"oh my god.." 


"you agree with him!?" y/n exclaimed, exasperated. 

"well i mean..i can see where he is coming from," carly defended, "he has gone to strong extents to keep you hidden from the whole dream team." 

"but they don't have to know i'm his sister!" 

carly once again, remained silent. 

"come on carls," y/n whined, "your supposed to be my best friend here, not wilbur's." 

"i know, i know," carly sighed. 

"so?" y/n asked.

"so?" carly repeated confused. 

"will you help me?" 

carly hesitated for a moment before responding, "i mean that's what best friends are for, right?" 

she leaned into a whispering smile, "and i have a dress that would look hot as fuck on your hips." 


carly was right, y/n thought. she did look hot as fuck.

the dress was a deep green, which she heard was dream's color. the skirt flowed to floor length with a slit reaching up her leg and the top had a triangular cut revealing the dipping of her breasts.

"oh these shoes are going to be the death of me," y/n muttered, readjusting her golden stiletto heels.

it was 11:00 pm and y/n was not concerned of being caught. even in his 20's, philza was the type of person to be knocked out by 9:30 and tommy well..tommy rarely left his room to be honest.

her lack of concern however was broken. she musn't have tightened the straps of her shoes tight enough because when she took her first step she fell with a loud crash.

she scrambled up in panic, heavily breathing looking back and forth. tommy and philza's doors remained closed. she was safe.


dream's castle was beautiful, y/n's eyes regretted that it was only her first time she had seen it. different colors of beacons ripped through the starry sky, placed atop of the cobble towers the castle was attached to.

"y/n?" a voice asked behind her.

through the dark tommy was blind to her widening eyes, but could picture them himself when he spoke. "tommy? what are you doing here?"

"shouldn't i be asking you that?" tommy asked.

y/n ignored him, "how'd you find me?"

"you made quite a crash. i followed you here," tommy answered, "now why are you here? didn't you say you'd let it go? it's dangerous if-" tommy lowered his voice, "what if they figure out about you."

"they won't," y/n dismissed placing a hand on his shoulder, "and wasn't it you who said it would be useful for someone to spy."

"yes but-"

"so," y/n crossed her arms, "that's what i'm doing."

"but what if you get hurt?"

"i won't-"

"but what if-"

"tommy!" y/n yelled to silence his voice, softening it once he met her pleas, "i'll be okay."

"okay..just remember if you ever feel scared..ever! that just because your older doesn't mean you have to be so brave and you also have a brother who can work a gun," tommy grinned.

y/n chuckled, "thank you tommy, i'll keep that in mind."

she kissed his cheek, "now go run home. i'll see you in the morning."

y/n watched as tommy grew microscopic from her vision before she turned to the entrance of the castle sighing to herself.

"here goes nothing."

𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍|ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐʷᵃˢᵗᵃᵏᵉⁿWhere stories live. Discover now