Three Ghosts

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Sams POV

Oliver's heart monitor was beeping like crazy. "Hold him." Barry tells Dig, luckily Barry agreed to help.

"He's not gonna make it." Dig states.

"He will." I retort. "We just have to find out what's in his system."

"I-I-I usually only work on dead people." Barry tells us.

"Barry!" Felicity says.

"Alrighty." He responds. "I can think of four possible diagnoses for what's causing his body to react this way." Barry starts inspecting Oliver's eyes. "Make that three possible diagnoses. Two. Start chest compressions." He tells Dig as Felicity and I hold Oliver down. "I need to get to his arm." Barry draws some blood. "Got it. He's suffering from intravenous coagulation."

"What?" Felicity asks, as her and I exchange a confused look.

"His blood is unnaturally clotting." Barry explains. "It's like maple syrup."

"You can save him, right?" I ask him.

Barry pauses. "Alright." He says walking over and grabbing something. "Lucky you guys have a rat problem."

"You kidding?" Dig asks. "That'll kill him!"

"He dies if I don't." Barry responds.

"Felicity..." When she doesn't say anything, Dig turns to me. "Sam..."

"Do it!" I tell Barry.

"Just the right amount of this stuff will thin his blood enough to get it circulating again." Barry explains.

"He's crashing." Dig says.

"Oliver, stay with me!" I tell him.

Once we got him stabilized, Barry went to take off the band aid on Oliver's neck. Only for Oliver to try and choke him. Dig went over and stopped Oliver as Felicity and I followed. "Oliver, let him go." Dig tells him.

"Oliver!" I exclaim when he doesn't.

Oliver finally lets Barry go, before standing up. "What the hell is going on?" Oliver asks.

"You were injected with a strong-acting blood coagulant." Felicity informs him.

"You would have stroked out, but fortunately you had a very effective blood thinner handy." Barry explains. "Warfarin. Better known as rat poison."

"The kid saved your life, Oliver." Dig tells him.

"This is the point in a life-saving emergency where you thank the person that did the life-saving." I tell Oliver as he turns to look at me.

"You told him who I am." Oliver says to me.

"Yeah, I did." I respond.

"That's not your secret to tell, Sam." He tells me. "I decide who finds out my identity."

"Well, we didn't have time to get your vote what with you unconscious and dying." I retort, walking around the table so I'm in front of him.

"What happens if he leaves here and goes right to the police?" Oliver asks.

"He wouldn't do that." I tell him.

"I wouldn't do that." Barry speaks up.

"I trust him." I inform Oliver.

"I don't!" Oliver responds.

"What are you gonna do? Put an arrow in him?" I question.

"I am considering it." Oliver says looking at Barry.

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