Chapter Three

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A/N: YAY! I'm surprised how fast I got this up. Just so you know- I may be focussing more on my two Batman fanfictions, just because I have more of an idea for how they are going to go and resolve. Please vote and comment cause I need to know what you think! And fan, cuz it'll make me super happy and motivated! 


"Left on the next intersection," Shannon said lightly, watching the road as Jonathan drove. In her peripheral vision, she saw him nod. At the next light, he pulled into the turn lane and went left. "Right here," Shannon told Jonathan as they drove in front of an apartment complex. Jonathan pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car before getting out and walking to the passenger side to help Shannon.

"I'll walk you up to your door, if you'd like," Jonathan offered as he pulled Shannon out of the car, this time letting her grab the walking stick.

"Oh, Jonathan it's fine," Shannon assured him, "I've gone up to my room by myself before; it's not that much-"

"What floor?" Jonathan interrupting her, letting her know he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Shannon smiled at him.

"It's the third floor," She answered, letting him support her as they went inside. "There is an elevator, though, it's right... Oh.." The elevator was just inside the complex, but taped to it was a sign that said 'UNDER MAINTANCE.'

"I suppose it's lucky I decided to come in with you," Jonathan chuckled dryly, "There is no way you'd make it up all these stairs by yourself." Shannon blushed. She had gone up stairs before- at least one flight- by herself. Shannon was about to tell him just that- that she was, indeed, capable- when he scooped her up in his arms. Her stick fell with a clunk to the ground.

"Oh, um, Jonathan, you don't-"

"It's fine," Jonathan once again stopped her midsentence, staring at her with his blank expression, "I'm pretty strong for my size. I'll just come back for your walking stick, is that alright?" He didn't wait for an answer, but instead began up the stairs.

"Thank you..." Shannon said, biting her lip softly, "For all of today. I had fun." Jonathan glanced at her as he reached the top of the first staircase.

"I did, too," he told her, that rare and lovely smile gracing his lips for a fleeting moment, "Perhaps we can do it again sometime soon."

"I'd like that," Shannon whispered. The rest of the way up, the two were silent. Jonathan sat Shannon down on the top of the third stairwell.

"Just one moment," Jonathan instructed, walking back down the stairs, "I'm going to get your walking stick- I'll be quick." Shannon nodded, though Jonathan couldn't see her. A moment later, a door opened somewhere in the hallway.

"Shannon?" she heard Gordon's voice ask. Shannon twisted around to see her father walking down toward her, looking angry... Why would he be angry? "Shannon how long have you been sitting there?!"

"Only a minute Jim, I'm fine. Jonathan-"

"Did he just leave you here?! Tell me he at least had the curtsy to walk you to the door!" Gordon demanded, eyes narrowed. Shannon sighed; so that was why he was mad, he thought Jonathan had left her. "Did you climb up all these stairs by yourself? Well, I-"

"I carried her, Officer Gordon," Jonathan said coolly, appearing at the bottom of the third staircase with her walking stick clutched in his hands, "I had to leave her walking stick on the first floor. I swear, I wasn't planning on abandoning her , sir." Gordon looked very taken aback and embarrassed, having not expected the young man he was criticizing to suddenly appear.

"Oh, well, um," Gordon spluttered, as he looked down at Shannon.

"Tried to tell you," Shannon mumbled, smiling as she rolled her eyes. She then looked to Jonathan. "Thanks," she said, taking her walking stick from him as he reached the top.

"It was no problem," he responded, lifting Shannon up to her feet. He then stood beside her, his arm around her waist to support her. Gordon glared at where Jonathan's fingers rested lazily under Shannon's ribcage. Jonathan didn't seem to care, however, for he held Shannon shamelessly, looking straight back at Gordon.

"Well, thank you for bringing her home," Gordon said dismissively, but Jonathan didn't seem to take the hint as he continued standing there.

"I was actually wondering, sir, if I could start driving Shannon to and from  school?" Jonathan requested, looking just as disinterested as usual as his cold eyes made contact with Gordon's, "It seems your home is right in between campus and my own residence."

"Well, I think that-"

"Would be lovely!" Shannon finished for Gordon, smiling up at Jonathan. Jonathan looked down at Shannon and the corners of his lips turned up just the slightest bit.

"I suppose it'd be fine," Gordon muttered. He hadn't really wanted to agree- he still did not like this boy- but it was obvious he was a person Shannon actually felt comfortable around. Gordon wasn't about to deprive the girl he thought of as a daughter a chance of interaction.

"Thank you, sir," Jonathan said flatly, though on the inside he felt victorious. Jonathan knew Gordon did not like him, and when people did not like him he enjoyed to bother them as nonchalantly as he could as the little things always made the biggest impact. It almost brought another smile to his face, seeing he was killing two birds with one stone. Almost. But this would give him more time with Shannon- which was the main reason he had asked as he was still so very intrigued by the curious girl.. "I'll pick you up around eight, Shannon," Jonathan informed Shannon, releasing her from his hold, "I'll come up and walk you down, if you'd like."

"I'll have her downstairs by then," Gordon announced before Shannon could answer for herself. Jonathan nodded, a momentary smirk crossing his features at the annoyance he was causing. Gordon, able to see micro expressions well, narrowed his eyes as he realized Jonathan was at least partially doing what he was to annoy himself.

"Very well then," Jonathan said, watching Shannon for just a moment before looking to Gordon, "Goodnight, Officer Gordon, Shannon."

"Goodnight," the two chorused, though while Shannon's sounded sweet, Gordon's sounded gruff. Gordon watched as Jonathan made his leave and then turned to walk with Shannon back to the apartment.

"You know," Shannon mumbled as they walked, "you could be a bit nicer, Jim. He already thinks you don't like him."

"I don't," Gordon huffed, "That boy is up to something, I just know it." Shannon laughed at his words.

"Quiet, straight 'A' Jonathan Crane up to something?" she mused, "I don't think so. Jim, I've known him since the sixth grade- not very well personally, but I used to...ahem.. spy on him just a little. I assure you, he is a good person. The most he would be up to is plotting how to get extra credit." Gordon shook his head, standing outside the apartment door.

"I don't know, Shannon," he said warily, "I saw him smirking at me; he knew he was getting at me. I've seen that look-"

"Jim, give him a break," Shannon sighed exasperatedly, giving Gordon a quick smile, "He barely talks to anyone, let alone smile. You know, today I actually saw him smile a whole minute! In all the years I knew him I think I saw him smile a total of one time, but today it was so different... Anyway, I don't think he was smirking at you, Jim. Your probably getting paranoid because he's a guy who is talking to me." Gordon sighed, knowing that wasn't it. But he shook it off. Jonathan made Shannon happy, and that's what mattered.

"Alright, I guess you may be onto something, Shan," Gordon finally agreed, opening the apartment door so the girl could limp in. He would just have to watch this Jonathan a little bit closer.

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