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I request judges to come upon the stage and announce our Summer Collection Winner. " Host declared.

"Hello everyone, it's been an honour to be a judge of such an big event. Thank you organizers for such respect.

Tonight has been really a wonderful one. Every designer has put such great efforts, hardwork in creating such beautiful masterpieces. It was really a tough decision for us judges to choose three winners from fifteen participants. Other judges nodded in agreement.

But before declaring results, I would like to tell every upcoming designer here that  no matter if you win or loose tonight, just remember you have a long way to go, today's results won't define you but your hardwork and consistency will. This is just a start." Everybody clapped listening to such motivational words.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, hold your breaths, the designer who has grabbed Third position tonight is Ms.Ragini Malhotra. "... (Skip time...)

"And the designer who has bagged the first position is Ms...." Before judges could announce the result, Host interrupted them and passed them a tab.

Mummers were heard around as judges were busy looking at the tab with frown on their face.

"Ahmm...Sorry for the delay ladies and gentlemen but we had come across an issue and got to know that one of the team had used dirty means to win this competition. That team is none other than Ms.Tia Kapoor's. We got to know that she payed double amount to the show stopper of other team and ordered them not to attend the event and not only that she destroyed dresses of the show stoppers and that team which suffered due to Ms.Tia's selfish motives is none other than Ms.Anika Rathore's team. Anika couldn't believe her ears that Tia could stoop so low just for winning a competition. Yes, they were competitors and she did not like her but she never knew Tia hated her so much that she would literally do such thing.

Gasp were heard and many people were surprised with the news. Reporters had received a new masala for tomorrow's headline. Anika somewhere felt bad for Tia as now there would always be a black spot on her image.

"Shame on you Ms.Tia. A designer never stoops so low and from now onwards you are banned for next 5 years from Fashion Industry." Judge announced, Tia didn't look up the entire time, she had tears running down her eyes. She rushed out as she heard the decision.

Everyone was silent trying to digest what they saw. "Winner of the Summer Collection event is Ms.Anika Rathore." Anika's team squeshed her in a hug. She walked up the stage and received the award. Rathore and Oberoi family were busy cheering for their daughter. Rudra was the loudest.

"Thank you everyone, truly speaking this, she looked at trophy in her hand, wouldn't have been possible without my team and their dedication. I am lucky to have them . And most importantly I wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't the support I got from my family. Anika looked at them. Thank you so much for always been supporting towards my dreams and motivating me to achieve it. Last but not the least, today we would have been disqualified if that person wouldn't have come to my rescue as knight in shining armour. Shivaay, this is for you." She completed and walked down the stage. Shivaay stood there surprised as she dedicated this award to him. He felt emotions running down him but he couldn't point out what they was.

He looked at his brothers who were already looking at him with teasing smile on their face. His father in law patted his back and he acknowledged it with a nod.


Anika and her team decided to celebrate the win tomorrow at one of the elite clubs. Bidding bye to everyone, she walked out in search of her family and was enveloped into hugs, kisses and blessings.

"Anika we already had dinner and now we all are leaving, you come with Shivaay." Pinky said. Anika glanced him for a second before nodding her head.

"OmRu don't forget, you guys are invited to the party tomorrow at All Night Club." Anika reminded making them nod. They all bid goodbye leaving Shivaay and Anika alone.

"Umm...did you have dinner?" Anika asked.

"Nope!" He mumbled and both made there way towards food counter.


"Hash! I feel so good now." Anika sighed as she removed her heels. Shivaay glanced at her before focusing back on the road.

"Congratulations by the way. You did well." Shivaay spoke.

"Thank you Shivaay but credit goes to you too!" Her hands unconsciously played with the sunflower pendant he gave.

Silence prevailed in the car. Anika closed her eyes being tired, she just wanted her bed and good night sleep. The cool breeze acted as lullaby to her making her fall in deep sleep.

"Anika...Anika..wake up!" Shivaay tried waking her up by patting her shoulder. He saw her slowly opening her eyes, yawning and looking around.

"We reached!"

"Uh..oh! Okay.  She mumbled and got out of the car. Thanks for dropping Shivaay."

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow." He spoke with his hands casually tuck inside his pant pockets.

"Hmm..good night and drive safe." Anika hugged him taking in his musky scent. Shivaay wrapped his arms around her, they stood in same position for few minutes before breaking the hug.

She walked back inside and looked back to see him driving away. She stood there looking at the retreating car before walking towards her room.


Everything happened in a blink of an eye. You never know what's gonna come to you the very next moment. Something like this happened to us in last 24 hours. I was now Mrs.Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Yes, you read it right, just an hour before we got married in presence of my family and his family. My forehead was now filled with sindoor, my neck adored nuptial chain of Shivaay's name and my wrists covered with red chooda.

It all started with a phone call at midnight 3am. be continued.


Shivika are married!! But how? What happened ? Why so suddenly?

How did you like the plot twist? I bet you guys haven't even imagined or thought of something like this happening!

To know what happens next, Stay tuned.

Do comment below and let me know how did you like the plot twist. Eagerly waiting for your replies.

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