Chapter 12: Any Advice?

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Hiccup's POV

"How's your project with Astrid going?" Jack asked as I sat in his room one dreary Wednesday afternoon.

"We're working on it seperately now." I said, and wrote down the solution to another simple equation.

"Why?" Jack asked.

"I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone." I said skeptically.

"Not even Punz?" He asked.

"I'll think about her, but until then, keep your mouth shut."

"Fine, so what's this secret."

"Yesterday, Astrid and I were practicing a debate because she failed her debate class, and I decided to help her, so we were at the dorm, and her argument was that she wasn't very desirable., an-"

"That was her argument?" Jack asked with an amused look etched on his face.

"Yes, now pay attention." I said, "Anyway, we went back and forth and I kept telling her that she was pretty, and all that stuff, but then we got clser and closer, and I kissed her. Then she ran out the door and I haven't spoken to her since." I finished.

"Wonderful." Jack said sarcastically.

"Do you actually have anything helpful to say, any advice?" I asked.

"She was just scared. She went from hating you to kissing you, anyone's gotta be scared. I'd say just give it time." He said, and pulled out his phone..

"Speaking of time, I have a date with Elsa." He said, and got up, "Feel free to say here if you want." 

I stayed in the room only a couple of minutes after Jack left, but when I realized it was too boring without him, and started walking back to my dorm, but as I did, the only thing I could think about was Astrid.

Hey! Okay, so this chapter was boring, but Astrid and Hiccup will have their moment in the next chapter. Just keep reading. (Just keep swimming, just keep swimming) #DoryLove

Anyway, thanks for reading, don't forget to vote, and ignore any mistakes, BAI!!

This chapter is dedicated to CaitlinPaige_httyd because she followed me. Thank you!

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