Good Morning And Good Night

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"..... Understood, Miss Xiao Long."
Despite the disgusting and ugly feelings that filled Credo's head and heart, he decided to stay calm and not stress about it, one of the reasons would be because the Citizens around him actually needed his help and as someone who was taught to help others he could not ignore that, but the main reason for him not giving in is because his mind was to clouded with doubt, confusion and lack of understanding of this new realization of the true strength of Team DRWBY, and he needed time to think and process this information

"Credo, what have you learned about our mission?"
Both the Young Knight and the Hellish Dragon turns and looks to see someone walking up to them, someone who was surprising tall, muscular, and definitely looks a bit intimidating, but her clothing makes her look like a 'Warrior Maid' or something similar, which also explains the air of professionalism and class, this was Angela Lansbury, the Captain that was leading this mission

"That this isn't a war, but a rescue mission."
Credo quickly gave a respectful salute and gave a quick easy summary of what was going on, to which Captain Lansbury nod and understood what he meant immediately

"Then we have no time to waste, Credo, please go gather and prepare the rest of our Brothers and Sisters, and inform them on what needs to be done."
The Young Knight gave a nod as he understands what his priorities are, after acknowledging that the order was given, Angela then looks at the Satanic Xiao Long

"As for you, please take me to those that require serious medical attention, so that I can heal them and appease their suffering."
Angela definitely spoke with politeness and professionalism, though if some listen or noticed the smaller details to the way she talks to the Famed Flame Brawler, there was something clearly hidden on how she truly felt towards the blonde

"Roger that General Maid Lady~"
Yang gave a teasing salute, either not noticing or caring about the smaller details of her true feelings, quickly turning away and begins to walk off and show where the injured are, to which the Maid Warrior follow, though as the two were leaving the area, Credo couldn't help but be left there and standing by himself, thinking about everything he just learned today, and how much it made him unsure about himself and his worth, and how much he can truly trust someone he used to know

Meanwhile, as the Holy Knights start to join in the search and rescue, and the clean up of this entire area of this part of the City, we cut back to the Legendary Devil Hunter himself, Dante, who was also helping out, mostly either killing any stray devil's or doing some heavy lifting, while surprisingly enough not wearing his usual red coat style today, just simple working pants, muscle shirts, and a red bandana over his head, the reason he was wearing all this because today was a hot sunny day today, and he just didn't feel like wearing a coat today

"Is everyone ok?"
Dante effortlessly lifted up a large piece of concrete and reveal a small family being stuck underneath, they were very relieved and beyond happy to be saved, quickly everyone took this chance to get out and escape the place they were trapped in, while also saying their thanks to the one that saved him, who just nods in response and gave them a calm reassuring smile, once everyone was gone, and making sure no one else was trapped underneath, he quickly lets go of the big rock and lets out a small sigh

"Man, the Sun is sure getting hot today."
As Dante started to wipe away some sweat from his brow, he was quickly hugged tightly from behind from a certain Sunny DG

"Did I hear someone talking about me?~"
Yang smiles brightly as she held the Son Of Sparda closely, who just lets out a chuckle from this

"So I'm guessing you already showed those Religious People where they can religious it up?"
Dante used his free hand to wrap his arm around his Hellish Wife's neck and brought her closer to his side, while still using his free hand to use a rag to wipe away some sweat

Legendary Devil HuntressesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang