Inner & Outer Darkness

Start from the beginning

"I hope you both do well and serve our home and people greatly, this ceremony is adjourned."
Once all was said and done, the audience got up to their feets and started to leave the church, some still talking about the same thing, which did annoyed Blake, though she was able to ignore it, mostly thanks to her 10 Year Old Son running up to her and holding her hands

"Ugh, this place is too crowded, can we go home already?"
Nero clearly didn't like or care about this whole thing and would rather go back home with his family

"Nero, you need to show more respect and dignity in these Ceremonies, as the biological Son Of The Holy Order's Priestess, you need to act more like her and show grace and elegance."
Credo cross his arms and sternly glares at his Younger Adoptive Brother in dissatisfaction, who just sticks his tongue at him in response

"Come on Brother, he obviously didn't mean any harm by his actions, he was just sleepy, weren't you Nero?~"
Kyrie, unlike her Older Sibling, showed more patients and understanding, as she tries to defend the Grandson Of Sparda and pets his head, who smiles and nuzzles her hands, clearly showing more likeness towards his Adoptive Older Sister, this only made the Holy Knight huff and looks away, not happy that she coddling the Demon, Human, Faunus Hybrid, the Mother of three couldn't help but softly laugh at this

"Credo, may you please take your siblings home and look after them?"
Blake, once she was more calm and relaxed, decided to prepare to leave, while making sure to have her Eldest Child look after the family

"You're not coming with us?"
Nero looks up at her Mother with a pouting expression, to which she responded by pinching and kissing his forehead

"Don't act like I'll be gone forever, I just have a few duties to do before calling it a day, ok? "
Blake reassure her Son, who still huffs and pouts, but nods in acceptance

"I'll be sure Nero is well behaved when you return, Mother."

"And I'll have dinner ready by then Mom~"
Both Credo and Kyrie also gave their reassurance to their Mother, which made her glad to have such capable children, soon they said their goodbyes and started to leave with the rest of the crowd, leaving the Priest Of Darkness by herself once everyone was gone, which made her sigh and shakes her head

'I don't know what's more difficult, being a Priest, or a Mother, heh.'
Blake chuckle to herself and was about to do her task, so that she can return home quickly, though before she could, she noticed and saw a young man, maybe around or slightly older than her, and he just stood there, staring and looking up at the statue of Sparda

"Um, Sir, the ceremony is over, why are you still here?"
Blake walks up to him, both to let him know that he should leave, and was slightly curious on why he was still here

"Even though he was a Demon, she still loved him, right?"
The Man suddenly asked the Priest Of Darkness, much to her surprise, clearly wasn't expecting him to actually start a conversation with her

"She did, enough to marry and start a family with him, I'm not sure how she felt specifically, but I'm pretty sure she didn't care for who he was before and what he did, only what he felt for her in his heart and soul."
Blake didn't know what he was getting at, but as a Maiden Of The Night, she thought it was her job to answer and hopefully comfort him, even though he didn't show it, she can tell something was bothering him

"That's comforting to hear."
This made him smile lightly, he quickly pulls out a locket and opens, which allowed the Mistress Of Shadow to see a small picture of a young smiling lady

"Knowing that there was a possibility that Jenny would've still loved me if she was still here."
What the man said made the Priest Of Darkness flinch and frowns

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