"Do what you have to do" She said, motioning to me. 

"Dupont," McGonagall called after the twins and I

"Yes Minnie?" I asked

"Be safe, for once in your lives, please be safe" She said, giving me a hug before following Molly and Flitwick out of the castle. 

"Lets go" I said, running up the stairs to our guard spot. Passing Sirius and Remus on the way, smiling and hugging me, they let me go. 

"Ara? Be safe." Sirius said 

"I will, you two as well."

"I have to find Lee, you guys go, Ill be there soon" George reassured letting Fred and I run up the steps. 

"Arabella?" Fred asked, grabbing my hand

"Yes?" I asked

"I love you, and if this is our last night alive" Fred said 

"Stop that, were making it out, we always have, and we always will." I said

"Just listen." Fred said, "If we don't make it, or you make it and I don't, know that, ive never loved anyone the way I love you. You are my soulmate." 

"Fred, were making it out alive. I dont care what it takes, we are making it out alive." I said 

"I love you, and I will until the day we die."

"I love you too Freddie, more that youll ever know. Once we get out of here were going to the pedestal of love, Beauxbatons flower garden." 

"The one you told me about in third year?" He asked

"Thats the one, were going there, and were going to get married. Trust me, we will make it there." I said, George running up to meet us, tears in his eyes. 

"Is Lee alright?" I asked

"Hes perfect." George said, a small smile on his face. Sitting on the ledge of the castle, in between Fred and George, flashbacks of sitting on the roof with them in fifth year played in my head. The view of the castle below us, sending my mind into a montage of memories. The long walks, the train rides, failed, tests, quidditch practices, dates with Fred by the lake, pranks, snowball fights, Christmas, the tournament, and the fireworks. Everything reminded me of him, of the twins, the best 5 years of my life. 

"You okay Freddie? Dupont?" George asked

"Yeah" Fred answered

"Im alright" I said 

"Me too" George answered 

As the walls and shields fell, the twins and I ran down to ground level. Skipping steps, shooting spells at Death Eaters back and forth. 

"Arabella! Wait" Fred said, watching the final bit of the shield fall. 


"I love you" He said, kissing me before turning and fighting with George

"I love you too"

Shooting spells back and forth for hours, my arms getting tired. Losing sight of all loved ones, wishing they're still alive, living for the hope of it all. 

You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this, every drop of magical blood spilt, is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absences, dispose of your dead with dignity.

Running through the castle, I knew I had to find him. Had to find Fred. 

"Arabella?" Molly called, tears in her eyes.

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