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A/N: More spoilers from "Do you love Me?"

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A/N: More spoilers from "Do you love Me?"


I mentally curse myself out when I feel a teardrop out of my eyes. I blame my hormones for acting the way I am acting right now. The video that Esteban had shown me was a clip of a young Aleksandr. She was on stage, singing 'Dear Caroline' to a red-headed girl. He looked so handsome, and her beauty shined through the poor camera quality. 

What made it worst was the speech that showed up, where he confessed his love to the girl. His smile was big and full of love. The video was cut short after he was done singing. I feel Aleksandr wipe away another teardrop. 

Why was I crying?

It was a long time ago, but a part of me was jealous that I never heard his beautiful voice the way the people in the video heard. It was smooth, and yet raspy, it was filled with emotions and love. 

Will, he ever love me like this? If he loved her so much, why did the relationship end? 

"Doll, listen to me she means nothing." Aleksandr's voice draws me out of my thoughts. Mia, Roxanne, and Esteban left right after I saw the video to give us some space. I've been silent ever since. 

I clear my throat and wipe away my tears, "Sorry, I didn't know where that came from." 

Aleksandr frowns. I make a move to get off his lap, he held on tighter, "It's okay to feel love, as much as it pains me to see you cry, it hurts me more when you hide your feelings."

"I know, but it's okay really, it's in the past." 

"Doesn't mean you don't deserve an explanation," He kisses my knuckles. "Ask me what you want to know, I will answer." 

"Tell me everything." 

He takes a deep breath, expecting that from me. He lays back down and puts me on top of him. 

"Caroline was the new girl my senior year of high school. At first, everything she did annoy me, her voice, attitude, and even smell. We were partnered up for an English project and she was persistent. She confessed that she found me attractive and wanted to get with me, everyone told me to be nice because I did not know her and apparently she was beautiful." 

"I agreed and got to know her, she dragged me everywhere, literally. To parties that hurt my senses, to the beach, to the park, in the hallways, to her room. I'm not sure when it exactly happened, but her bluntness became attractive to me. I started liking her back and we started dating." 

"I fell for her hard. She was a kind soul deep down, she cared for animals, talked about adoption, and helping foster teenagers so they could get their lives together. My mom liked her for a while, and everything seemed to be going great. We were the couple everyone looked up to at school, and I was also ready to marry her. My mom told me to wait till college," His voice became cold at that last part. 

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