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What am I doing? 

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What am I doing? 

I glance at the girl in the elevator next to me, her hand still on mine. She was tapping her feet to the beat of the music, making me smile a little. Her voice was the first thing that drew my attention to her, the way it was clear, professional, soft, and sweet like honey. 

She handles Kyle's annoyingness with such professionalism that I almost did not want to leave. She walked so freely like she had all the time in the world like she was floating on clouds. 

Her body, her curves, and her beautiful height. All of it put me in a trance. When I went back to my office, I had it arranged to get every single file I could possibly get of her. 

Angel Adams, recipient of the Sokolov Family scholarship. Graduated with a bachelor's degree in Social work and a minor in business management. A smart girl who, according to her scholarship essay, planned out everything in her life. It seemed that her anxiety even had her schedule when to breathe, until her senior year.

That's when things got completely flipped around. She switched over to numerous therapists, went job-hopping every month, and always traveled. Where'd she get the money for that, is unknown to me. Her social media went from an organized theme to just random posts, hobbies, and quotes. 

Her motto seemed to be focused on only one thing, following the universe and living on an island, free from work. I admire her work, beliefs, and carefree life. In fact, I envied it. After a week of debating, I decided to hire her. I put pressure on my secretary to call and give her a job. 

A job as my personal assistant, it has been years since I had or even needed one. My secretary was confused, but she followed my orders and now I am taking that carefree girl shopping. 

What is wrong with me?

"Where are we going?" She asks again when we step out of the elevator and into the garage. I point to my car and lead her there. I open the door for her to let her into the passenger seat. 

After a short and silent drive, we arrive at the mall. I park and gesture for her to come with me, ignoring the stares we, well I, received from people. I could hear her breathing change, possibly excited or nervous, I couldn't figure out why. 

We enter one of the shops and I point at some outfits for her and let her pick the sizes that fit her. I noticed the goosebumps on her legs earlier, so I mainly picked out some formal pants for her. I also let be picked out some of the styles she wants and give her my approval. 

When it came to payment she argued with me for a while, but I ignore her and laid for it anyways. On our way to the car, she keeps on asking questions and when I don't answer, she answers them herself and continues talking. Mainly things related to the places we drive by. 

"Sorry for the excessive talking, I'm just nervous." She goes on when we stop at a red light, I turn to her and give her a smile assuring her that I didn't mind. 

Nervous? Why? 

"It's not that I'm scared of you or anything. It's just, you're my new boss and so tall and intimidating..." She trails off, ranting again. 

How cute. 

"Where are we going?" She asks when I make a turn, away from the office. I point at her stomach and hope that she gets the hint. 

"To eat?"

I nod, trying to not let my satisfaction show.

Communicating with her is so easy. 

I park in front of my favorite restaurant and open the door for her.

"Do I have to order for you?" She asks as we step into the restaurant, the host showing me my usual seat. I give her a smirk and shrug, normally I would order on my own but this time I decided to play along. 

"Hello, my name is Sarah your waitress for today." Someone says coming up towards us, my eyes never leave Angel, watching to see what she will do next. 

"Good afternoon, can we please have some water to start off and some garlic bread please?" She answers in a soft voice. The waitress walks away and I look at her.  

"You like garlic bread right?" She asks, her voice still strong and soft at the same time. 

I nod before pointing to the food I want to order. When the waitress came back, she ordered for us. I noticed that she ordered the cheapest option for herself, making me frown a bit. 

We eat in silence for a bit before she speaks. "Can I ask you some yes or no questions, or do you prefer silence when eating?" 

I look at her and say nothing. That wasn't a yes or no question. She understood her contradiction and apologize before speaking up again. 

"Can I ask some yes or no questions?"

I nod and wait for her to ask more questions. 

"Will I be going to all your meetings?"

I nod.

"Even the ones out of the country?"

I shrug. I would love to take her but I never thought about it that far. She isn't experienced enough since she only speaks two languages. 

"How will I get paid?"

I raise a brow and take a bit out of my food. 

"Oh right, um, is it direct deposit?" 

I nod.

"Do you need my banking information?"

I shake my head. 

"Of course, you found my phone number. Having my banking information shouldn't be that hard." She says in a light-hearted tone, I nod. 

"Do I get paid weekly, or biweekly?" 

I pick up my phone, giving her the hint to pick hers up. She takes it almost instantly, I send her the email copy of the job proposal and wait for her to read it. 

"I get paid the same day of every meeting?" I nod and watch her get distracted by something on her phone. I take her phone and put it next to me, ignoring her shocked reaction. 

I point at her food and continue eating, she obliges and eats after mumbling something under her breath. I mentally smile at that and go back to my food. 

Good girl. 


After lunch, I drive her back to her house since I didn't need her today. She makes a comment about me knowing everything about her whole life she doesn't even know my favorite color. I give her a small smirk and escort her to her door. 

"Would you like to come in?" She asks awkwardly, and I shake my head. She smiles and closes the door in my face, surprising me a little. I knock on the door and she opens it back in less than five seconds. 

"Did you change your mind?" She says giving me another one of her blinding smiles. 

I hold her phone and hand it to her. She looks at me in total surprise before looking down and muttering a small thank you. I pull down my glasses and wink at her before turning around and leaving. 

After entering my car, I send a message to my secretary telling her to send all the work material needed for Angel's transition by tonight. After doing so, my finger hovers over the new contact information on my phone. 

Before I could click, I receive a message from my mom. After answering her, I go back to the new contact and send the original message I want to send and include an extra sentence. 

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