"Ok Naruto listen to me good we only have a few seconds. Gaara is dead but most of his bodily systems are still functional, if you get him out of here and resurrect him he'll be ok."
Y/n then cut off the link.

"Give Gaara back!" Naruto started to run up to Gaara but got stopped by Kakashi.
"Cool it, charging in without thinking is a sure way to get yourself killed"

"What are you thinking about Sasori?" Y/n asked.
"I'll hold onto him."
"Huh?" Deidara seemed confused
"Since it appears that jinchuriki will stop at nothing to get him back."
"Hmm. Well that's putting it lightly."

"Sakura, who is that girl?" Chyio asked
"I'll try to explain later, it's a long story"
"Well my man, I doubt you want to hear this, but I'll just say it anyways. I think I'll take care of the jinchuriki."
"Look, our quota is 1 apiece. Don't push your luck, Deidara."

"An artist must always seek ever greater stimulation. Heh. Lest his senses go dull on him, my man. Rumor has it that the 9 tails jinchuriki is pretty powerful. A canvass truly worthy of my artistry other than the absolutely perfect 1 on the left of me." Y/n blushed pink knowing the comment was directed at her because she was the only thing on his left.

"What? Those pirate techniques of yours, art? Art is a work of beauty captured and left for posterity. Art is eternal beauty, the canvas on your left is way more suitable of my art."
"Eternal beauty? Are you kidding me? Look don't get me wrong, as a fellow artist I respect your point of view. But true art is fleeting, a flash if beauty burning brightly, and then vanishing in a heartbeat. Heh."
"Vanishing in a heartbeat, just like your arm huh?" Y/n smirked making Deidara flush.

"I-I don't get it, what's with them?" Sakura asked
"Sweetie, if I knew, this problem wouldn't be happening." Y/n said shaking her head.

"Apparently Deidara, 1 of us doesn't know what true art is."
"That would be you my friend. Hmm"
"Just stop you 2" Y/n said getting annoyed
"You lousy rotten-" Naruto didn't finish due to being cut off by Sasori still arguing with Deidara.
"Nonsense. Eternal beauty is what constitutes real art."
"Don't be absurd. True art only lasts a moment.

"Enough is enough!" Naruto yelled, pulling out a scroll and summoned a fuma shuriken and threw it in Sasori's direction, but it got blocked by Hiruko's (Sasori's puppet) tail.

"Are you trying to make me angry?" Sasori continued to argue with Deidara.
"Hey easy, I told you you wouldn't wanna hear it, didn't I? Give me a break, will ya?"
"I don't have to remind you what happens when I get angry, do I?" Sasori threatened.
"Oi, do I have to remind you what happens when I get angry? Hmm, puppet boy? Now stop threatening Dei and calm your ass down. And you princess, stop provoking Sasori. We have much more to worry about then your art so get your heads in the game." Y/n said calming them down.
"Good, now get going Dei." Y/n continued

Deidara made a clay bird and then expanded it getting ready to leave, but no before getting his last 2 cents.
"My art's not even in the same League as your grotesque puppet show. Heh" that little comment was enough to piss Sasori enough to deploy Hiruko's tail out. But y/n just grabbed the poisoned end with her hand shocking everyone but Sasori.
"Sasori what the hell did I just say? Calm you ass down man. We have bigger problems then Deidara so focus on them."
"Fine, but only for you, kitten."
"Would you stop with the nickname? It's embarrassing" y/n hid her head in her hands too keep the people from seeing her blush.
"Heh. See around my man, y/n" he then flew out of the lair with Gaara leading Naruto to chase after him.
"Naruto!" Kakashi then had to follow naruto.

"Naruto and I will take the 1 outside. Sakura, lady Chiyo take care of the 1 in here and y/n. Please be careful until team Guy gets back. We don't know what there capable of."
"Right you got it" Sakura replied.

"Hmmm, as I heard it, you retired a long time ago." Sasori said
"Well I suddenly had the urge to see my grandson again"
"Ohhh grandson, it seems like I'm not the only 1 who's family came to see them."
"Family? Sakura who is this girl? She even has the same seal as Tsunade."
"She's Kakashi sensei's adopted daughter and Naruto and I's good friend. She also trained under Tsunade like me."
"Good friend? She doesn't really seem like a friend the way I'm looking at it."
"That's true, I guess old friend." Sakura said unsure because she hasn't talked to y/n in 3 years

Sasori shot a look at Sakura, seemingly intriguing by the new information, but that look only seemed to psych Sakura out.
"Sakura, don't fear, I am here with you, just step back now dear."
Chiyo pulled out kunai from her sleeves and fired them at Sasori but they where all blocked by the puppet tail.
"If you insist on interfering, I'll have no choice. How would you and the little brat become part of my collection, ehhh grandmother?"

Y/n then started walking up to Sakura.
"Hmm so you've been training under lady Tsunade huh?"
"Yes, I have. And what have you been doing? Oh yeah, kidnapping the Kazekage" Sakura spit out.
"Now, now, weren't we friends? No need to be so vicious" y/n continued to walk all the way up to her, but as soon as she came close Sakura tried to chakra punch y/n but she caught her first. And pulled her to whispered into her ear.
"Play along with this, try to block my attacks. I won't put chakra in them but we have to make them believable."

Sakura pulled back confused but then was brought back to reality when she realized y/n was still on their side.
Sakura then winded up to punch the ground, breaking it apart around them.
"Heh not to shabby deary but you'll have to try better." Y/n then kicked her into the wall across the cave.
"Sakura!" Chiyo called.
Y/n was shocked at how much damage that kick actually did because she thought she was doing it lightly. So to check on Sakura she opened a telepathic link.
"You ok?! I'm sorry."
"Im f-fine"
"It doesn't seem like it, you're literally wheezing"
"I'll be fine, now don't go easy on me. We have to make it believable, right?" with that Sakura broke the link and stood back up

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