Chapter 49 - The Cursed Realm : Part One

Start from the beginning

Jay sucked up Ghoultar, but Ghoultar's scythe got stuck on Jay's vehicle. "You monster."

The Ghosts all broke free.

Morro hit Nya into a wall again. "Is that all? Is that all you've got?"

Nya began to panic as she was surrounded by Ghosts. Her eyes wide.

Green Energy hits the Ghosts, dispelling them.

"Hey! Looks like this is just between us." Lloyd glared at Morro.

Morro held up the Green Ninja mask. "The green gi belongs to me now."

Lloyd powered two balls of Energy.

Morro laughed.

"You think I'm gonna make this easy? Let's see how good you are!"

The two commenced the battle.

Morro made Lloyd slide back, and Lloyd sent an orb of Energy at Morro, but Morro deflected it with the Sword of Sanctuary; hitting Lloyd and sending him off the roof and to the ground.

"Stay strong, Lloyd!" Nya called.

"I'm stronger, Lloyd. I always have been. And I've been inside your head. I know what you're afraid of. You could never do it alone, could you? Weak." Lloyd glared at Morro. "You need others, but I, I need no one."

Wind pushed boards up and Morro, on a building, rose into the air.

"What are you waiting for, Lloyd?" Lloyd pushed a flying piece of wood away. "An invitation? If you want the Realm Crystal, earn it."

Lloyd glared. "I did learn a thing or two with you in my head." He ran up and used Airjitzu to get closer to Morro, but Morro used Wind to push him off. "Whoa!"

He grabbed a floating board to keep himself from falling completely.

"Lloyd!" Nya gasped.

"Watch your step. The fall can be a doozy." Morro taunted.

He used Wind to push away a platform Lloyd jumped to land on, making him fall. Lloyd barely caught a board.

"What's wrong, too hard for ya?"

Lloyd used Airjitzu and grabbed the open door.

"This is the end of the line, Lloyd. I'll miss you." Morro was grinning.

Ronin arrived on R.E.X. "Better late than never. I saved a lot for this moment."

He poured his savings onto Morro and the weight of all the metal weighed the building down. Lloyd jumped inside.

Lloyd grabbed the Realm Crystal and began to destroy it.

"Stop! Please, don't." Morro pleaded, seemingly scared.

Lloyd shook his head backing up. "This isn't your world anymore, Morro. You had your chance. The Realm Crystal must be destroyed. The First Spinjitzu Master never wanted us to have it."

"But-but if you destroy it, you destroy any chance of ever saving your father." Morro pointed out.

"There he is." Kai could see them through the broken boards.

"Lloyd, get out of there!" Nya yelled.

Lloyd wasn't sure now.

"Yes. Yes, I've seen him. He waits for you..." Morro said. "...locked up in the Cursed Realm. Destroy the Crystal and, and the gateway will be wiped out."

"Use your Spinjitzu!" Kai yelled to Lloyd.

"You'll never get a chance to see your beloved daddy again." Morro said.

"Lloyd, get out!" Zane yelled.

"Uh..." Lloyd wasn't sure, "you''ve seen him?"

Morro nodded slightly, a small 'kind' smile on his face.

"Lloyd!" Kai yelled.

Lloyd shook his head, coming to his senses. "No. He'd do everything to save Ninjago, and you would do everything to destroy it." Lloyd began to try and break the Realm Crystal again. "The Realm Crystal must be destroy—"

Then huge blue tentacles came out of the portal; the Preeminent restrained Lloyd.

"Lloyd!" Kai screamed.

"What is that? It's taken him. No!" Nya yelled.

"The gateway is complete." Morro grinned, bowing out. "My master has arrived."

"Lloyd!" Zane screamed.

Lloyd was grabbed, both arms, both legs.

"No! It must be destroyed." The Preeminent grabbed the Crystal. "No!"

Morro laughed. "You have it wrong. Ninjago must be destroyed. Say hello to your father for me."

The Preeminent pulled Lloyd into the Cursed Realm.


Total mentions of Lucy: like, 2?

School's officially started for me and I am suffering. I didn't actually go to high school last year but now I'm a Sophomore and I have no idea wtf I'm doing. Oh well.

Love you guys, the season's about to end. Can't wait for the next one. Yall don't know what the bad guy is gonna be, with Clouse dead, the Jin can't come, and Harumi isn't evil so... or is she?

Just you wait, I'm excited.

💜 ~ Bye!

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